Silvina Batakis, new Minister of Economy. Photo EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni
After several hours of silence, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Monday said it hopes to work with the new economy minister, Silvina Batakis.
It was the first reaction to the resignation of Martín Guzmán from office on Saturday and the subsequent appointment in his place of Batakis, a former minister of the province of Buenos Aires and close to Cristina Kirchner.
In response to a question Clarionea spokesperson for the Fund said: “We wish former minister Martín Guzmán every success in his future endeavors. We look forward to working with Minister Silvina Batakis and her team continue to support Argentina and its people to strengthen macroeconomic stability e face its deep challenges lay the foundations for more sustainable and inclusive growth.
Guzmán was the Government’s main interlocutor in negotiations with the Fund.
From his new position, Batakis will have to lead talks with the IMF into the next phase, when the goals set in the program with the organization are expected to be difficult to achieve.
The reaction of the IMF to the change of the Council of Ministers

Martín Guzmán was the interlocutor of the International Monetary Fund. Photo Federico Lopez Claro
The Fund reacted like this formally and with caution before the replacement and avoided commenting on the future of the program which appears very busy.
Although the program passed the first revision of the first quarter January-March a few days ago, the second revision already foresees much higher inflation than expected and the same happens with the fiscal deficit, which for now is far from being controlled. as the program estimates. as well as the amount of reserves and the monetary issue.
In Washington the Doubts there are many. Batakis is close to Kirchnerism, which has harshly criticized the program, and there is still no certainty about the fate of the agreement.
President Alberto Fernández limited himself to saying of Batakis: “The general guidelines ours economic program“.
Paola Lugone
Source: Clarin