Home Business Stocks on imports: food companies have claimed Pesce

Stocks on imports: food companies have claimed Pesce

Stocks on imports: food companies have claimed Pesce

Stocks on imports: food companies have claimed Pesce

Miguel Pesce and Daniel Funes from Rioja

A large delegation from Copal, which brings together the food and beverage industry, had lunch today with the president of the Central Bank, Miguel Pesce. They raised the difficulty of accessing some inputs in the case of a sector with a surplus in terms of foreign currency.

The Coordinator of Food Industries is chaired by Daniel Funes de Rioja, who is himself head of the Industrial Union.

They suggested to Pesce that the latest BCRA Communication “A” 7532, which manages payments for imports, limits critical inputs and raw materials for production.

“The food and beverage industry is the main generator of foreign currency, which makes it the largest exporting industrial sector. For this reason, the body stressed the importance of generating a technical exchange that allows us to think of proposals that guarantee the continuity of the production process, avoid complications in value chains, ensure supply of the internal market, and all this without affecting the sectors that strengthen the currency matrix, “they said in a statement.

“The food and beverage industry is an essential sector for the Argentine economy, which is why the the supply of inputs, raw materials and services is essential. We appreciate this type of exchange which allows us to bring the sector closer and to be able to do so guarantee the production continuity of this fundamental industry”Warned Daniel Funes de Rioja, president of COPAL.

Carla Martin Bonito, CEO of Copal, said they contribute $ 25 billion annually in foreign currency. “This measure has an impact on the possibilities of unfolding our full potential. We must evaluate alternatives to avoid risks and impacts on production and supply “.

Copal proposed a joint effort. Pesce explained the meaning of the measures and promised improve this regulation. He also proposed to analyze schemes of temporary imports and low-value inputs with a high impact on the supply chain.

Source: Clarin


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