Home Business Formal employment has recovered all that was lost in the pandemic

Formal employment has recovered all that was lost in the pandemic

Formal employment has recovered all that was lost in the pandemic

Formal employment has recovered all that was lost in the pandemic

Private wage workers increased compared to December. Photo of Xinhua

Due to increased activity, in January registered employment has grown again, mainly of private sector employees. Other methods, such as the public sector or workers in private homes, have remained unchanged or have slightly shrunk. against December of 2021.

In total, the number of people with registered employment in the social security system (including public and private wage employment, self-employment and monotributist) reached 12,412,577. They are 507,372 people are working than a year ago.

“This level is 2.7% higher than verified in February 2020, before the outbreak of the pandemic (percentage indicating 328 thousand more people with contributions in social security) and the maximum series value of the total workforce ”, according to the Report of the Ministry of Labor based on information from the administrative records of the Argentine Integrated Social Security System (SIPA). The series began in January 2012, with 10,897,074.

In January, private sector registered wage employment grew by 29,199 workers compared to December, it added total 6,034,637. A year ago, there were 5,823,302 and it also exceeded 5,986,413 in January 2020, before the outbreak of the pandemic.

However, it is still far from over 6,273,972 registrations as of January 2018 before the recession started and triggered inflation.

Public sector wages remain at 3,333,352, without variations in January compared to the previous month. instead, the records of the workers of the Casas Particulares dropped again: from 471,229 to 466,570, an amount also lower than in January 2021, which was 473,597.

The monotributistas remained at 1,761,979, the self-employed at 466,570 and the social monotributistas at 439,562, almost unchanged compared to December.

According to the Labor Report, the branches with the largest contribution to year-on-year growth of formal private employment in January were construction (26% of total registered jobs created) and business services (23%).

“The manufacturing industry has contributed 15% growth year-on-year employment growth in January 2022, and –although it continues to play an important role in job expansion– extends a far lower turnout than most of last year. This situation is mainly explained by expanding staff to other branches of activity, such as Hotels and restaurants and Commerce ”, the report indicated.

Job growth is broadly based on regional terms. In the monthly comparison with no seasonality, it was noticed that 21 out of 24 provinces showed positive variation.

The most significant growth was observed in La Rioja (1.3%), Tierra del Fuego (1.2%), Jujuy (1.0%), Santiago del Estero (0.9%), San Luis (0.7%), San Juan (0.7%), Santa Cruz (0.7%) and Neuquén (0.7%).

The provinces with the largest weight in private wage employment also managed to grow: the province of Buenos Aires showed growth of 0.6%, while Santa Fe, CABA and Córdoba registered a moderate variation (0.3%, 0.3 % and 0.2%, respectively).

On the other hand, the provinces that reduced employment were Salta (-0.4%) and Catamarca (-0.8%).


Source: Clarin


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