Electricity and gas tariffs: how to register to keep the concessions and what information to enter in the form

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Electricity and gas tariffs: how to register to keep the concessions and what information to enter in the form

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Electricity and gas tariffs: the segmentation of Martín Guzmán begins. Photo: Andrés D’Elia

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The Government is one step away from the definitive publication of the form that users must fill out with the mission to withhold electricity and gas subsidies for segmentation. This is expected to finally happen after 9 am, at which time the Secretary of Energy, Darío Martínez, for more details on the subject at a press conference. Registration should be open throughout the month of July, although the recommendation is to do so as quickly as possible. Clarin has put together a guide to freshen up what information needs to be entered and what happens if you don’t complete the affidavit.

The Government confirmed that from this Friday it will be available both on the page www.argentina.gob.ar and through the application My Argentina, the user registration form for tariff segmentation, which will come into effect from 1 August.

“From 1 August the tariffs will begin to govern according to the three fixed bands from the decree issued a month ago by President Alberto Fernández ”, said the spokesperson of the Presidency, Gabriela Cerruti, on Thursday, in the usual press conference at the Government House.

The form must be completed by anyone who believes they can receive the subsidy. “They are very simple data to fill in and will cross paths with those in the power of the state; once crossed, they will start charging the full rates and with the different grants based on the band they belong to ”, explained Cerruti.

According to official sources, from this Friday and until Tuesday 19 July those users whose document ends at 0, 1 and 2, while from Wednesday 20 to Friday 22 July those who have documents ending with 3, 4 and 5. And for those who have it DNI completed in 6, 7, 8 and 9 can register from from Saturday 23 to Tuesday 26 of this month.

Within the battery of data, of the 16 that will be requested, there are some that point to the socio-economic situation of the users, which is decisive in retaining the subsidy.

This data will work as an affidavit, which is why it is not necessary to attach any additional information, such as a rental agreement.

The form must indicate whether the electricity and / or gas service is in the name of them or third parties, if they are tenants, as well as income levels, and asset data. In principle, it must be completed by all customers. However, those who lose their benefits -immediately- They will be high income. Although the definition of who includes this segment is not uniform within the government.

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Source: Clarin

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