Home Business Price Protection: two new baskets start with doubts and complaints due to shortcomings

Price Protection: two new baskets start with doubts and complaints due to shortcomings

Price Protection: two new baskets start with doubts and complaints due to shortcomings

Price Protection: two new baskets start with doubts and complaints due to shortcomings

Vegetables and fruits, one of the obsessions of the Secretary of Commerce, Roberto Feletti.

Government added two new baskets to the crusade to combat the rise of food. Starting this Monday, on the one hand, the distribution of the 5 fresh products (vegetables and fruits) in large AMBA supermarkets. And on the other hand, the 60 main things to wholesalers, with the aim of supplying nearby stores.

The beginning is uneven. Gradually, the chains began to accept goods but warn grocers that “most products are not“. Both baskets are filling the renewal of the Care Prices programwhich includes “7 famous slices” of meat and went effective on Thursday of last week.

This was agreed by the Secretary of Commerce, Roberto Feletti, with more than 150 mass consumption companies and the most important supermarket in the countryand where applicable to 1,763 products with regulated prices. In this way, according to Feletti himself, the Government seeks to establish reference values ​​to essential products.

There are already 4 baskets implemented by Feletti since he took office on Oct. 12, exactly 6 months ago, with the slogan “food basket weight loss in common with popular income”. The strategy goes through chaos, in just a week to know inflation in March, They predict close to 6%.

In supermarkets they warn that the level of compliance with Care Prices is at 60%, i.e., Only 6 of the 10 products on the list are on the shelves. In vacant areas, signs appear warning customers: “This product is out of stock due to lack of delivery from the supplier.”

In this context, the fresh food basket is making its debut, initially concentrating on large metropolitan area chains. consulted by Clarion, supermarket sources asserted that the products were arriving. For April, the list includes potatoes, at $ 49 per kilo; the onion, at $ 69; the tomato, at $ 199; lettuce, at $ 160; and the apple, at $ 180. Feletti seeks to expand the basket nationwide, in agreement with collection centers, including Central Market.

The beginning of is much more complicated the basket for local businesses. Fernando Savore, president of the Federation of Grocers of Buenos Aires, said yesterday that he proved that “most 60 products do not have“, in the first surveys he did of wholesale stores.” The product is not directly there or it is not on the price list, “he lamented.

The proximity basket is a new version of Super Close, launched last year by Paula Español with the same purpose and unnoticed melted. Feletti said the goal is to shorten the price gap (which now exceeds the 50%average) that exists between supermarkets and neighborhood businesses.

This valid program is not mandatory. “A store can choose whether to buy them or not, but if not, they can’t use the Care Prices signage,” they explain from the Ministry of Commerce.

The domino sugar, which should be at $ 69, is nothing. You can find it but it costs $ 97, “Savore complained. An easy program to implement and the effort that wholesalers have to make is not that great,” he argued.

Savore said that on Monday night he planned a meeting with other store delegates to draw conclusions. “The reality is the basket is not mandatory, but if I want to join as a merchant, I can’t, because I can’t find the products“, he said. In large chains they also warn that there are shortages in the main regulated basket.” Historically, supply has reached 95%. Within the Prices of Care, the percentage is 80%. Now it’s about 60%, ”they pointed out.

Source: Clarin


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