Home Business Double-digit inflation: more and more food products affected

Double-digit inflation: more and more food products affected

Double-digit inflation: more and more food products affected

After pasta, oil and flour, beef, chicken and even eggs show a price increase of 10% or more compared to last summer.

INSEE released its full summary of price trends in July on Friday. And reading it, we can only see that, on the food purchasing side, more and more products are experiencing double-digit inflation.

For some basic products, this has been a milestone for a long time. Due to the spectacular increase in the price of certain edible oils, all fats, including margarines and butters, cost an average of 21.2% more than a year ago.

The bill for lovers of pasta and couscous is not broken either, with an average annual rise of 16.7%. And if you want to make your own noodles, don’t count on a drop in the price of flour. Its average price increased in one year by 18.4%.

Except for pork, all meats have crossed the symbolic bar of 10%

But the real novelty is that now in the butcher shops the symbolic bar of 10% inflation is also transferred for most meats. This is the case of beef (+10.2%), lamb (+10.3%). We are even getting close to 15% for chicken and other poultry.

An increase in prices linked to the increase in the price of cereals, feed bought from breeders, drought and, for poultry, avian flu. And, in general, at the butcher shop prices have probably not stopped rising, because although consumers pay more for their meat, breeders are still struggling to make ends meet.

+17.2% for fresh fish, +8.9% for frozen

Also for fish lovers, prices continue to rise. Fishermen have been bearing the brunt of rising off-road diesel prices for months. On average, INSEE indicates that fish costs 17.2% more than a year ago. A fillet that you could buy in your fishmonger for 15 euros per kilo in July 2021, today costs 17.50 euros.

The increase is a little less strong for frozen foods (+8.9%). But, in the long run, there is no reason why breaded fish should not exceed this symbolic milestone of 10%, too. Cover that the eggs almost crossed in July (+9.8%).

Fast food: more expensive meat drives up menu prices

All these increases in basic products not only affect the price of our careers, they also weigh on the careers of the restaurateurs. With inflation that took a while to dissipate, but is now becoming more noticeable. Especially in fast food, where meat (beef for burgers, chicken for nuggets) is ubiquitous.

All these increases in basic products not only affect the price of our careers, they also weigh on the careers of the restaurateurs. With inflation that took a while to dissipate, but is now becoming more noticeable. Especially in fast food, where meat (beef for burgers, chicken for nuggets) is ubiquitous.

Author: pierre kupferman
Source: BFM TV


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