[Chariot BFM Business] These products that flame the most since May

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Since May 11, BFM Business has been tracking the prices of 48 products among the most purchased by the French each week. Here, three months later, is the first evaluation.

In France, inflation reached 6.1% annually in July, according to INSEE. But how does this translate concretely for the French? Since May 11, BFM Business has been raising prices, every week, of 48 of the most purchased products by the French. Three months after the start of the BFM Business bandwagon, here are the first lessons to learn.

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According to our price survey, it is the pack of 6 Cristaline water bottles that has seen its price rise the most: 20% in three months for a product which had not increased in 20 years. Sold at 94 cents in May, the pack now costs 1.13 euros in our drive.

Galbani cow’s milk mozzarella also saw a strong increase: 16.3% from 86 cents to 1 euro now. It is followed by the package of paper towels with a rise of 14.5% (1.79 euros in May compared to 2.05 euros now) and the first price wheat flour that we have selected (+13%, from 54 cents to 61 cents).

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The Pasquier milk buns took 12.4% (from 1.21 to 1.36 euros) as well as the bag of grated Emmental (+12.8%, from 1.41 to 1.59 euros). Finally, Presidente gourmet butter registered a rise of 11.9% with a price today of 1.88 euros, that is, 10 cents more than in May.

And also: frozen selected steaks (+13.5%, from 6.6 euros to 7.49 euros); Dove spray deodorant (+11%, from 2.09 euros to 2.32 euros); Elle & Vire cream (+12.3%, from 2.52 euros to 2.83 euros)

To a lesser extent, various products experienced more contained inflation. In the lead, the bag of frozen chips topped the euro token bar (99 cents in May vs. 1.08 euros now) with a 9.1% gain.

The Camembert President has seen its price increase by 8.4% (from 1.55 euros to 1.68 euros) as well as the Sodebo flour salad (+8.6%, from 2.43 euros to 2.64 euros ).

iconic product the traditional baguette gained 6%, going from 84 cents to 89 cents in our store.

And also: the Danone natural yogurt pack (+7.5%, from 2.52 euros to 2.71 euros); the Senseo pod pack (+7.3%, from 6.32 euros to 6.78 euros), cotton swabs (+5.5%, from 55 cents to 58 cents); the pack of toilet paper x6 (+6.1%, from 1.80 euros to 1.91 euros)

Among the most controlled price increases are Caprice des Dieux (+3.6%, from 3.06 euros to 3.17 euros), the Lindt Excellence tablet (+2.2%, from 1.37 euros to 1, 4 euros), Nutella (+0.4%, from 2.68 to 2.69 euros) or even Ricard (+0.8%, from 18.94 euros to 19.1 euros).

And also: Granola cookies (+0.5%, from 1.94 euros to 1.95 euros); the Heineken beer pack (+1.6%, from 4.3 euros to 4.37 euros).

Some products end up at the same price as three months earlier. This is the case of the ham (2.18 euros), the envelope of Knacki Herta (1.94 euros) or even the envelope of Bonduelle lettuce heart in maxi format (2.28 euros).

And also: the 2kg bag of steamed potatoes (2.49 euros); the Findus Bolognese lasagna package (5.77 euros).

They are rare, but some prices have dropped since May. The 1750 ml bottle of Coca-Cola thus falls 10 cents (-5.3%), going from 1.88 euros to 1.78 euros. The Pampers Baby Dry diaper pack also saw a spectacular drop from €20.99 in May to €14.94 today.

And also: the pack of 4 ecological apples (-8%, from 2.49 euros to 2.28 euros); organic basmati rice (-1.2%, from 2.45 euros to 2.42 euros); Le Petit Marseille shower gel (-1.4%, from 1.47 to 1.45 euros).

Author: Thomas LeRoy
Source: BFM TV

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