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“Super profits”: the greatest beneficiary is the State, for the president of Medef

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For Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, windfalls linked to inflation are already heavily taxed in France and he calls on the government for fiscal restraint.

It is the state that has reaped the most “super-profits” this year, Medef president Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux said on Monday, saying he opposes these profits being taxed as the left intends.

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“Great Britain has a rate 10% lower than ours”

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne said Saturday in an interview with Parisian that he did not close the door to a taxation of super profits, but preferred that each company be able to “lower prices for the consumer and give purchasing power to its employees.”

Asked about the fact that Great Britain has introduced an exceptional and temporary tax on oil tanker profits, the president of Medef replied that “Great Britain has a tax rate 10% lower than ours”.

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Author: Frederic Bianchi with AFP
Source: BFM TV

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