Construction is one of the driving sectors for the recovery of employment.
As a result of the economic recovery, registered employment recorded a new progress, with the increase in official wages and social monotaxes. In June, formal work, with contributions to the Social Security, added 12,698,593 people, (a record figure), which contrasts with the 12,632,485 in May. There are 66,108 more registered jobs.
The activities that drove this growth were restaurants and hotels -which has accumulated a long delay-, and the industry of the construction. Social monotax is a special category for low-income and vulnerable sectors, which allows them to have social assistance and issue invoices.
“In seasonally adjusted terms, registered work showed a positive change of 0.5% compared to the previous month (63.1 thousand more people). Compared to the same month of the previous year, the registered work grew by 5% (607,200 workers) ”, reads a report from the Ministry of Labor.
Employee work “was led by private sector companies (0.5%; 31.2 thousand employees) and by the public sector (0.2%; 6.5 thousand workers), while work in private homes presented a a decrease of 0.2% (0.8 thousand fewer workers) “.
Meanwhile, self-employment increased compared to the previous month (1%; 26.3 thousand more workers) “especially because the increase in the number of people who adhere to the social monotax (18.6%; 80.3 thousand workers) managed to more than offset the observed decline in the number of monotax payers (2.9%, 54.6 thousand people).
For its part, the number of self-employed workers showed moderate growth (0.1%; 0.5 thousand people “. many of the people classified as monotributists became social monotributists”Explains the report. A) Yes, the single-tax payers who in May added 432,428 to June were 512,695.
In the year-over-year comparison, the total number of employees increased by 3.5% (336.8 thousand workers). This increase is mainly due to the expansion of the private sector (4.4%, 259.6 thousand people) and, secondly, the growth of the public sector of 2.4% (79.4 thousand more jobs). .
Work in private homes has shown a slight reduction in the last year (0.5%; 2.1 thousand fewer people), according to the statistical series of the work portfolio. Meanwhile, self-employment grew 11% (270,400 workers) in the year-over-year comparison.
However, the growth dynamics were heterogeneous: the number of male and female workers included in the the social monotax showed significant growth (39.9%), while the number of taxpayers to the monotax and the self-employed regime showed a moderate increase (6.5% and 4.1%).
By economic activity, the changes were positive in 13 of the 14 sectors analyzed. The business lines that showed the greatest monthly dynamism include hotels and restaurants (2%), construction (1.3%), mines and quarries (0.7%), trade and repairs (0.6%) and manufacturing industries (0.6%).
“The only sector that did not grow in June was health and social services, which remained stable from the previous month,” says the Labor Report.
They expect activity to slow down in the second half of the year due to a lack of dollars, inflation and rising rates
Construction: is it worth investing in bricks?
Ishmael Bermudez
Source: Clarin