The two deciding factors for Centennials to choose a job

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The two deciding factors for Centennials to choose a job

Generation Z or Centennials, which defines those born between 1996 and 2002, is characterized by the search for flexible and dynamic structures.

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The job market changes over the years. Each generation brings with it new customs, and to this situation is now added what the pandemic has left behind. So, according to a private survey, it seems that 44% of centenarians -or the generation Z- consulted replied that there are two factors that take more into consideration when choosing a job: home office and flexible hours.

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Generation Z or Centennials, which defines those born between 1996 and 2002, is characterized by the search for structures flexible and dynamic in which to develop, results from the investigation carried out by the firm Grant Thornton. Another feature is that they are naturally entrepreneurial, especially in the defense of social and environmental causes.

About what they are looking for in a first job, 76% of the respondents replied that it is about generating experience in their profession. 17% said they try to apply knowledge gained in college. 3% prioritized being able to know what it is like to work in a company.

Another 3% shared that what they are looking for in their first job is to develop their long-term career and learn from those with more experience. Secondly, the option “networking” as a motivation in a first job was not chosen by the participants in the consultation.

When asked which factors are most appreciated in accepting a new job offer, 44% of those consulted replied that the factor that interests them most is the possibility of working from home and having flexible working hours. Far below, at 17%, salary was considered a priority.

Meanwhile, 15% opted for the training opportunity and 14% opted for the “Others” option, stating that although salary is very important, having flexible hours and working from home facilitates attendance at lessons and the continuation of university studies. The good working environment and learning opportunities from other members of their teams are also appreciated.

Generation Z really enjoys training. Indeed, according to an online query by Grant Thornton During the month of August, 37% of participants prefer asynchronous virtual courses as their training methodology. This generation understands knowledge as something practical but also fluid, flexible and dynamic that allows a better connection with reality and with the design of their careers ”, explains Matiana Behrends, Director of Human Capital of Grant Thornton Argentina.

For its part, 8% chose to accept a proposal as a key factor in order to work by objectives and not by time. Finally, benefit programs were a key factor for only 2% of respondents.

Centenarians are no longer looking for a company to make a career in for life, their purpose is not to enter “the company”. It is no longer companies that unilaterally choose employees, but they “value the experience” that the company offers them. But just because they have chosen a company doesn’t mean they will continue to choose it for a long time. They will continue in that post until “a new experience interests them more,” says Mariana Amores, HR manager at Grant Thornton Argentina.

“The image of a paternalistic company has expired. Generation Z looks for challenges, leadership, knows the impact and meaning of their tasks, ”adds Amores.

Additionally, 37% of Gen Z respondents believe their main contribution is a more flexible way of working. 31% believe that their greatest contribution is the application of technology in process management.

Similarly, 14% believe their generation has an innovative vision of business and 10% believe their contribution is a creative approach to problem solving. Finally, 8% of those consulted chose to deepen their reflections, among which the contribution of energy for a good work environment, adaptability to changes, curiosity and the desire to learn how to use new tools stand out.


Source: Clarin

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