Home Entertainment The friend of Alfa, of Big Brother, spoke of the rumor that the player would be linked to VIP prostitution

The friend of Alfa, of Big Brother, spoke of the rumor that the player would be linked to VIP prostitution

The friend of Alfa, of Big Brother, spoke of the rumor that the player would be linked to VIP prostitution

No doubt Walter Santiagobetter known as Alphais one of the most controversial participants of older brother 2022 (Phone). Now the 60-year-old’s best friend, Sergio, has spoken THEY (America, Monday to Friday at 8pm) and denied the versions that assure it would be related to the VIP prostitution.

Since Alfa entered the most famous house in the country, several rumors have emerged about the biggest ‘little brother’ of the Reality show. One of them points out that he is part of a prostitution network that operates in the northern area of ​​Buenos Aires.

Sergioa man who called himself “Walter’s best friend” spoke to the chronicler of the cycle he leads Angel of Brito and assured that the Alfa is a “very correct” person and denied the rumors that have been circulating these days.

“I know him very well, I’ve known him for ten years,” said the interviewee. And he continued: “I can’t say anything, he’s always been a very correct person.”

“Here is a very verbose person in his sayings, in the things he says, but in fact, really nothing“, he has declared.

Although he clarified: “I have many friends. I am a friend of my friends, I am not an accomplice. What he says, what he does next within four walls, I don’t know“.

“Did you put your hands in the fire for him?”, The notary of the cycle wanted to know America. And the answer was dry: “No. Neither for him nor for anyone.”.

Sergio denied that Alfa is linked to VIP prostitution

“He is a very sensitive boy, very good, he has a heart of gold”, the Alfa friend assured, then speaking of the rumor about prostitution: “People say a lot of bullshit because they don’t know him, so they said he had a VIP thing about prostitution and all … smoking“.

“Actually, I play in a rock and roll band, sometimes he comes up to me and says ‘Sergito, introduce me to one girl, introduce me to this, introduce me to the other.’ Imagine if the baby gets it … forget it, “she said.

On the rest of the controversy that has arisen since Walter Santiago became famous, the interviewee clarified his opinion: “People have gone out to talk, a couple of girls, they care a bit like this …”.

In this context, he also spoke of the member’s economic situation older brother 2022: “He is a worker. He’s an up-to-date guy, living well, looking for them as he can, but he’s not Ricky Fort, or anything like that.

“Put it yes,” he replied when asked if Alpha wants to be famous. “He likes all these things,” he said.

Having said all of the above, he admitted: “He’s a pretty intense guy. In fact, in ten years we met and for a year we fought ”. Consulted by the reporter, he wanted to tell the reasons why they left. “Because of the bullshit,” he generalized him.

“He is highly sought after, very kind. And I clarify that if they take it out of the house Big Brother(the program) no one else sees it, “he said.” He’s the only one that’s there, making a mess, making a mess. “

Furthermore, Sergio assured that he was the first to discover that Alfa was about to enter reality and that he told him that he did not know if it would last ten days because “he does not like imprisonment very much”.


Source: Clarin


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