Valentino, son of Natacha Jaitt, told for the first time how he learned of his mother’s death

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Valentino Yospethe youngest son of Natacha Jaittspoke publicly for the first time and recounted the intimacy of the relationship he had with his mother and also he demanded justice for his deathoccurred in 2019, in circumstances still under investigation, more than three years later.

The 16-year-old spoke on the radio cycle The show of Ulysses Jaitt (on XLFM Digital Radio) hosted by his uncle and legal guardian, Ulises Jaitt.

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“My mom is everything. She cooked very well, He made a spectacular beef stew. I’ve never eaten one like this again. She always took me to the cinema to see movies. We watched horror films, which he liked very much “, Valentino began, recounting what he misses most about his mother.

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“What I like most is a green die, my favorite color. He had a pink one and we are connected by dice. If I missed it, she would take the dice “, she then added to the object that Nacha gave her and keeps with affection.

And he stressed: “Everything is missing. I have nothing negative to say about her, She has always been a great person, a great mother. He worried if he didn’t show up after two minutes. “

Ulysses then asked him about his father, Adrian Yospe (1970-2011), died – from illness – at the age of 5. “I always remember how good it was. He carried me on his back into the garden. We ate burgers … she took me to see Topa. We went to two or three concerts of him. He has always worried about me, “said the young man.

The speech became more emotional when Ulysses asked his nephew to remember the last time he saw his mother alive. According to what he said, Valentino was with Natacha before she left for Xanadú’s party room at Villa La Ñata, Benavídez (tiger festival), where she was found dead in the early hours of Saturday 23 February 2019.

“I was having ice cream with friends. I came home and she angrily said to me ‘because you are late, you know I’m worried.’ The same day she had an engagement, she had to go to this place in Xanadú. It was 9:15 at night and He tells me ‘I have to go somewhere, you know I have a job, I don’t know if you have a friend to go with, so you are not alone.’ I told him he had a friend who had me invited to sleep two together, I went to a friend of mine and she said ‘I’ll take a taxi’ “Valentino said.

And he continued: “I forgot to let him know that I had arrived. And when I write him he says’ Thanks Ok, because I was worried, I love you very much, see you tomorrow. Let me know if ‘I’m going home or I’ll look for you’. And I say ‘Well mom, I love you’. Her last message was ‘I love you so much, take care of yourself’. “

Later, Valentino said that when he got up he didn’t have a cell phone, which – as he later learned – his friend’s mother had stolen it from him, at the request of Ulises, who wanted to give him the news. “But on the computer I had left WhatsApp. When I looked I had 50,000 messages like ‘Valentino, I’ll put you in the bank’, ‘What a crisis with your mother’. ‘Okay, I love you so much’. I didn’t understand anything. went to google and saw “They found Natacha Jaitt dead.” I couldn’t believe it. I get sick, scream, break. He was screaming ‘I want to see my mother’ “narrated.

And then he reiterated the request for justice, as claimed by his uncle and his sister Antonella Jaitt. “Justice ignored my mother, she did not give in. Justice abandoned her physically and emotionally. That woman has a family that wants to know what happened. It is not known what happened. For me, my mother was killed. I know what Mom was like and I know she didn’t like strange things. “

“Thanks to the justice we have, I have to leave the country”Valentino insured.


Source: Clarin

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