Home Entertainment Mercedes Funes: the crisis of the 40s, her family reunited and what she has learned from life in recent years

Mercedes Funes: the crisis of the 40s, her family reunited and what she has learned from life in recent years

Mercedes Funes: the crisis of the 40s, her family reunited and what she has learned from life in recent years

mercedes funes He had a great year where he was able to do what he loves most: acting. On the one hand, she was one of the protagonists of the first of usa soap opera aired Telefe and Paramount +. And in the theater she played Paula a woman hurts methe work that ended at the end of October amid rumors that he had had a strong fight with another of the protagonists, Nicolás Cabré.

Away from scandals, both Mercedes and Nicolás e Carlos Portaluppidenied these versions and showed good vibes on social media, where they shared photos to celebrate the end of the comedy which, a month earlier, had already been completed 200 functions.

In dialogue with Clarionethe actress referred to her role in the play, living with her husband Cecilio Flemattithe excellent relationship she has with her husband’s son and the changes after the age of 40.

-You came from doing A Woman Hurts Me with Nicolás Cabré, who plays a man with a broken heart, what do you think of this departure from the typical stereotype in which it is the woman who suffers?

-I love it, I celebrate it, it is necessary. If love is universal and pain is universal … why don’t we tell it like this, like this? Just like resilience is universal and intelligence is when it comes to moving through emotions. And in this case I am referring to the women of comedy, who go through these situations in this particular case with much more intelligence than what the character of Miguel (Cabré) is going through.

In a woman hurts meFunes plays several women, including Paolaa young woman with whom he decided to end his love affair Miguel Sanchez (played by Cabré), a philosophy professor who decides to go to therapy to overcome the breakup. She, for her part, goes on smoothly and is very sure of his decision. Plus, she puts herself in the shoes of the psychologist who treats Miguel, who has trouble getting over his ex.

-One of your roles in the play was that of a psychologist, do you do therapy or did you do it at some point in your life?

Yes, I am a fan of therapy. My psychologist discharged me, she told me “don’t come anymore”. I love analysis, I love it, it seems to me a fundamental tool, I could not go through life without understanding myself.

At the same time he played Mercedes Soledad González in the first of usthe fiction that shows the members of a group of friends, over 40, who discover that one of them has a terminal illness.

Soledad González She caught the attention of viewers because she was a quiet woman, married to her lifelong boyfriend, who leaves her career to devote herself completely to caring for her only child and who begins to question her decisions and give free rein to certain desires.

– A while ago, I grounded your character the first of usyou talked about the crisis of the 40s, do you feel that something has changed or that there was a break in you when you are over 40?

-Yup. It’s all positive. Even with the logic of finding a photo of you when you were 20 and you said “oh look that skinny, the face, the skin”, those things that yes, or how I went out until 8 in the morning, I had a coffee with milk and then I was wonderful at 10 studying. I can’t today, I’m dying …

-This is the negative, are there any positive things?

-Yes, later, for me I speak for myself, it’s all profit. I love it, I love my 40th, I have high expectations for my 50th and beyond. Especially being an actress, I think my actress has gotten more interesting over the years, that I have much richer things to offer, so I’m excited to think about what could happen if the years keep enriching me, and that’s what it should happen. in the logic of life.

Do you have pending dreams?

-No, no earrings. I’ve been through dreams, I don’t know if through filters or funnels, but my only dream is coming true. What I want is peace and quiet in my home, next to the person who loves me. It sounds silly, I know, but I swear that peace is something that is not appreciated enough. When you have peace you are with the doors open to feel fullness, to feel joy, sometimes even happiness. Without peace you cannot.

– And now you have peace?

-I am at a time when I have a lot of peace and I have a nice person by my side and we have a home and I say that’s all. I want to finish putting my little garden together… Obviously it’s not that I’m going to stay there making scarves, but because I love doing my job, but it’s not that I still need to go out and look for something I don’t have to found. I never imagined saying it, I thought it was going out there looking for things with more screeching, but I never found anything too interesting in the screeching.

-What did you find?

– Rather I have found things that were sometimes good, but other times they were overwhelming and stressful and I don’t want to have anything to do with something that makes me feel that way.

Mercedes Funes and her married life

In 2019, Mercedes’ life took a turn when she married Cecilio Flematti, with whom she is seen to be deeply in love. She the artist met her husband in 2017, when she was invited to the floor of the radio show she was conducting at the time. Subsequently, she was interviewed by him on her TV show about him. But love was born later, when they went to eat and talked until the restaurant closed.

-How is your coexistence with Cecilio? They moved…

– Yes, we moved. We bought our nest and moved, so here we go. I have a happiness that I cannot more than joy, so we are very well.

-You are traveling a lot for work, now you go to the World Cup … how do you cope with distance?

-We are very used to being very close. In fact, during the quarantine, when there were so many couples who separated, we were happy to be together all day. We like it, we do everything together. I don’t care if it’s right or wrong. It will be good or bad for others. We like it that way. So the truth is, especially when he goes on a trip, not having him on hand to tell him my stuff was like the hardest thing.

-How do you feel about the reunited family they have put together? You get along very well with Lorenzo, Cecilio’s son, and they got the same tattoo.

-Yes, we did the same tattoo in different places, he did it on the arm, I did it in life. I love. Lorenzo is my stepson, I don’t know how to tell him. But from the first moment, we had a beautiful connection. Lorenzo is particularly handsome. And he also has to do with peace. It all has to do with peace, which simplifies everything.

Do you get along with your mother?

-Her mother is a great woman who in no time, ever, made me feel that I should not occupy a space of an adult and safe place in Lorenzo’s life. They allow me to participate in their education, their decisions, they are one more voice and they are also one more turn. And this speaks of the generosity of both Cecilio and Inés, their mother. And also from Lorenzo, who takes it like this. I didn’t imagine this would happen to me in life and well it came from the hand of this wonderful man who touched me for luck.

It should be noted that the actress undertook, together with her husband, the search for a child. A few months ago he was honest and explained that the attempts didn’t work. That’s why at some point he decided to rethink some mandates and not to force things.

-They asked you a lot about your search to be a mother and also about your decision to abandon that search … are you interested in continuing to talk about it or is it something that is closed to you?

-For me it is closed, but I understand the question. I understand that there are still obvious questions and that they have to do with a cultural construction to be deactivated. We come from the phrase “Plant a tree, write, make a child”. I haven’t done any of the three, so does that mean I haven’t lived? No, I’ve done others, what do I know. Everyone does what they feel like doing. Life is so one, it is so for one, that I don’t feel it is taking me, in this moment of my life, to a moment of realization.

-But you would have liked it.

I would have liked? Yes, I would have loved many things in life. And I know I would have been a beautiful mother. But I am with those around me to give the best of me. It seems to me that roles have always been something that enslaves us and I realize that I was following a mandate of something I had to do and it didn’t come naturally to me and I wasn’t willing to fight from another place, from another space. This does not mean that tomorrow she will be capable or willing. Which is also that, you say “fine, but if he said one thing, if he said the other”. It also seems that you are a slave to your words. I’m not here to sign or tattoo my words. I have the right not to. I have the right to say “today I’m happy like this” and tomorrow to say “it would make me very happy to adopt a child”.

-If you change your mind…

-Obviously, but that’s another thing to break … There’s a lot to disarm. It seems that we have to be a certain way and live a certain way and I believe that the only unbreakable rule is not to harm others and to live life providing well-being to others and to ourselves. It is the only unbreakable.

-And have women approached you to tell you about their experiences in finding a baby or to ask you questions about treatments?

-Yes … I also went to ask a lot of women about their treatments and all that. Among the women we talked a lot and we started talking about this too, to say “oh okay, because it seems to me that I have the sign of the spinster aunt in my head” and I say … I go back to the same things, posters, roles. .. They are useless and they are not accurate and they are not true.

-Who are you?

-I am Mercedes, master, in this moment of my existence, the life that touches me and I feel so grateful, I miss nothing. And I say a lot, I don’t know if I have found myself saying this many times in my life.


Source: Clarin


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