Home Entertainment Estefi Berardi’s anger with Argentine justice: “I’m at Disney”

Estefi Berardi’s anger with Argentine justice: “I’m at Disney”

Estefi Berardi’s anger with Argentine justice: “I’m at Disney”

Estefi Berardi He expressed himself with great anger on social media after the decision of judge Gustavo Rofrano, who released to the criminal arrested for the robbery of his apartment. And not only that, too reduced his sentence.

The speaker of very morning (Ciudad Magazine, Monday to Friday at 10), made a domineering publication through a series of stories on Instagram: “While I was on Carmen Barbieri’s program they started calling me from the prosecutor, after I told the media that Judge Gustavo J. Rofrano released him, lowered his sentence and signed an agreement with the jet’s lawyer. “

And then she revealed, very angry, what ended up being the sentence that the thief received: “They have entrusted community tasks to a boy who is not from here, who arrived from Colombia 20 days ago and does not even have a fixed address. I mean, it’s a flight risk. “

For his part, the rapporteur of THEY (America, from Monday to Friday at 8 pm), the cycle led by Ángel De Brito, indicated that it did not respond to the call of the prosecutor, from where they called her to inform her of the news of the subject who entered her home. “I will not serve them. I asked my lawyer, Fernando Burlando, to contact them“He added.

They were about to ask me if I wanted to be informed about how I would continue the matter. Now that the jet is free, what do I care what the criminal does on the street?he highlighted.

Estefi, who had already made a wide release on television, once again expressed his anger at Argentine justice: “It is in anyone. They live at Disney. They have no idea how scared we victims are.. They lowered the sentence on a jet. They left him on the street. What is this guy doing right now, right?

Two weeks ago, the first Fight She took her frustration out on Twitter after being informed that, in fact, the judge had released the criminal who had broken into her apartment to steal.

“SHAME for justice in this country! Today I was informed that judge GUSTAVO J. ROFRANO, with the assistance of the secretary Sixto Mihura Gradin, released the thief who broke into my house, broke everything, climbed on the walls, forward … “he had written.

“Unfortunately, in this country you have to spend money on a yes or yes lawyer so that justice does what it has to do,” he warned in his publication, after saying he hired Fernando Burlando to handle the matter.

Estefi Berardi moved after thugs broke into her home

Estefi Berardi showed his home’s security cameras that caught the thief climbing walls and checking his belongings. The reporter was saved because she was not at home at the time. But no one takes away from him the dramatic moment he experienced after learning the fact.

The rapporteur claimed at that time that she had initiated a legal action against the offender and that a lawyer known to her and her boyfriend would be the plaintiff who followed the file closely. It was all in vain because the thief was released a few weeks ago.

“When they sent me the resolution I almost died. I was so outraged that I wanted to start crying. Now I’m afraid because they let the thief free. The judge ruled in an abbreviated trial that sentenced the offender to three years of suspension. In other words, he is free by putting a fixed address, who knows if it is real, because he has no precedent “, he commented talking with Clarione.

“The judge signed a deal with the criminal’s lawyer, which is a real shame for me. My mistake was that I didn’t put a lawyer in at first because I thought it wasn’t necessary with all the evidence I had. I have it was also filmed. I thought it was enough to convict him and put him in jail. But I just found out that he isn’t, that’s why I’m out, “he clarified.

“I am very ashamed of Justice. It is a piece of paper, scandalous. Here everything works in reverse. The jets that are to be imprisoned are free in the street. This guy will continue to work hard. At least, deport him to Colombia. He had only arrived in the country twenty days ago and did not even have a fixed address. I can’t believe it, “he said.

A few days ago Estefi spoke of the importance of the ward’s alarm system so that the thief could not complete the robbery completely. “The alarm system and the cameras saved me, the police came right away,” he said.

“I’m fine, I moved from here and I got angry, but everything is fine,” Estefi assured after the accident. After clearing the apartment, the speaker went to another house, but is still in conflict with the previous administration of the building for allowing this type of criminal acts and failing to take the relevant measures to prevent them.

Source: Clarin


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