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Big Brother 2022: Maxi explained why his relationship with Juliana ended

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Max and Giulianathe first couple formed in this edition of Big Brother, They ended the relationship in a surprising way and the Cordoba explained the reasons why he stopped being with the participant who goes by the name “Tini” inside the house.

In the midst of the weekly test and as they cycled to the pool, Juliana caught herself asking Maxi if he had told the Rabbit, his confidant inside the house, that they had already separated.

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“Did you tell Cone we’re not together anymore?” Juliana asked Maxi. “No, I haven’t talked to anyone”, was the terse reply of the Cordovan. Was it a definitive break in the relationship?

That’s how after having sex at home twice, and a series of seizures in the last few days, they ended the bond. Sentiment or strategy on the part of the participants?

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The truth is that the 31-year-old, from Santa Fe, collapsed while processing the situation and could not hold back the tears. While the house enjoyed a day outdoors, she locked herself in one of the rooms and began to cry inconsolably.

“We are fighting. I really love him and will defend him. Although now I still don’t know what will happen…”, Juliana told one of her companions when they went to see what was happening to her.

As the day progressed, the rest of the members of the house discovered the separation and at one point there was a juicy chat between Agustín and Maxi, in which The Cordovan ended up explaining his reasons why he decided to end the relationship.

“Like I can’t dramatize or tear myself down, because if I’ve decided it’s because it’s the best thing for me. So I think it’s okay. But neither can I, boom, even if I try. You have to be positive. Out for me It was like that, it’s believed in the law of attraction. If you don’t have a solution, save it and if you have a solution, focus and fix it. And it’s like it’s hard for me to see a solution…”, assured Maxi.

And then he highlighted some attitudes that Juliana had with him: “It has things I’ve already experienced and I don’t feel like repeating them. It feels like I’m experiencing the beginning of my most toxic relationships.”

·And I say ‘no, this is the time to stop’. For her, especially since she is very sensitive. And then I will feel bad if a bad moment passes. Now it’s been a bit down for a day and then everything will be fine. When it falls where it is… The wave is having a good relationship here because I love him very much,” she added.

Then Agustín, who was listening attentively, offered him his support: “What you’re doing is fine. It’s bad to be like this, to put up with things and then it all ends badly, one on one side and the other on the other and that’s where they go. bad both”.

“You keep things however painful at the moment until some stupidity ends up being the one that blows it all up in a bad way. Now I’ve had the opportunity to reason it out, calm down. I don’t like it, it’s not going to a good place If it’s not now, it will be later and if he’s out it will be worse,” concluded Maxi, sure of his determination.

Maxi and Juliana, the first participants to have sex inside the house

In this edition of Big Brother, Maxi and Giuliana took care of heating the temperature of the house. In the first few weeks, the Cordovan and the young woman from Venado Tuerto, nicknamed Tini inside the house, were about to have intercourse, but received a warning from Big Brother for ignoring the consent protocol.

After that situation, they managed to find a comfortable place for both of them and went to the sauna, where they finally had a sexual encounter.

Surprisingly, after that occasion, the couple’s first big crisis came and they were separated for a day, but then their love was stronger and they were reunited. Then they got back together in private, but they’ve been arguing for two days and, according to the participants, this time it’s getting serious. Will they give themselves another chance?

Source: Clarin

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