Home Entertainment A supergroup was brought together with musicians from Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden

A supergroup was brought together with musicians from Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden

A supergroup was brought together with musicians from Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden

A supergroup was brought together with musicians from Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden

Chris Novoselic, Jam Mark Cameron, and Kim Thayl are together in 3rd Secret.

A new band shook the interest of the rock scene3rd Secret, a true supergroup with musicians from Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, who released their first album at the same time they announced the creation of the band, 3rd Secretwith 11 songs that cleverly blended grunge with alternative rock, folk and some rural blues.

Christ Novoselicbassist for Nirvana, Mark Camerondrummer for Pearl Jam and Kim ThailSoundgarden guitarist joins ex-Void Jon “Bubba” Dupree and singers Jennifer Johnson and Jillian Raye in a band that is sure to be one of the most interesting initiatives of the current musical.

Far from putting themselves in grunge or hard rock, the sextet has ventured and launched a work that contains all the elements to be one of the beautiful surprises of the 2022 record.

The launch, a state secret

On April 11, the band released their album along with the single Choose me, the first of the compositions where Thayil and Cameron have worked since the Soundgarden singer, Chris Cornell he died in 2017.

The track managed to stay under wrapping until the album’s release, which was a real surprise, though 3rd Secret certainly debuted on a show at the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle in February of this year.

Novoselic tweeted at the time: “I’m really busy trying to finish a new album. In the midst of some complications and trying to launch in mid -March. But it’s a secret so don’t tell anyone”, Which he later deleted.

3rd Secret, the band that brings together musicians from Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden.

3rd Secret, the band that brings together musicians from Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden.

when they finally spoke

The band’s first statements on their website were about the album’s recording process and the number of songs they decided to put on the record.

“At one point we had the idea to make three separate albums with different line-ups and contributions from the remaining members of the sextet. anything seems possible and the overall attitude is very positive … “

“By the end of 2021, we felt like it was too late and we were bored. Kris and Jillian proposed the 3rd Secret and we put together the materials recorded in Seattle and on the farm and that was our record with Jillian and Krist on the cover. “

The album has a grunge accent along with alternative rock in the nineties, but as well as in this duo of talented voices allow themselves to go through a repertoire of acoustic and folk songs. Recorded in three sessions, with mixing and engineering by Jack Endino, producer of the albums. Bleachof Nirvana and of Screaming Lifethe debut EP of Soundgarden.

The 3rd Secret album cover.  Asking for silence is Krist Novoselic from Nirvana.

The 3rd Secret album cover. Asking for silence is Krist Novoselic from Nirvana.

The album opens in Rhythm of the Ridea folk song with great voice work; Choose mestraightens the album towards pure and hard grunge; Last Day of August tunes in to the spirit of freshness sent by the group; Winter Solstice go back to that voice adjustment how well the band registers.

later, Lies Fade Away it’s hard rock with fine vocal work and ubiquitous wah-wah guitar solos; live with you maybe is the most pop song on the album.

Sa right-thingNovoselic’s accordion puts a psychedelic color on the album it has a hint of The Beatles in vocal work.

Later, included Dead Seathe band returns to the acoustic song; diamond in the cold it is a theme based on a riff in which different climates are constructed; Somewhere in Time is a rock with a strong guitar climate that opposes the voices and The Yellow Dress it has the tone of an electric song with the arrangements of a dark atmosphere.

A group that produces mature music, fearlessly crossing boundaries with the help of talented composers and two talented singers.


Source: Clarin


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