Rating: how did the duel between Mirtha Legrand and Andy Kusnetzoff go, in the middle of the World Cup?

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the first Saturday no World Cup matches in Qatar on public televisionthe competition for TV air ratings was once again split between the two main prime time cycles: Mirta’s night (The Thirteen) e P: we can talk (Phone).

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At around 9.45pm, Mirtha Legrand sat down at her iconic desk and, as expected, remembered the recently deceased Pinky, a historic figure in the medium. “She was a television queen”he enthusiastically said at the beginning of the cycle.

“My condolences to the family of Lidia Satragno, known to all as Pinky, who passed away last Thursday at the age of 87”, began Legrand, relying on a text he had prepared.

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Then, she placed the paper in her hands and spoke from the heart: “Pinky was Mrs. TV, really. A very intelligent woman, with an exceptional physique, graceful, precious, always well dressed. It was wonderful to see her. I used to see her all the time,” she confessed. chiki.

He then introduced his guests for the night: the judge Sandra Arroyo Salgadothe deputy of Together for the change Graciela OcanaJournalist Nicholas Winazkithe cumbia singer the dipy and the infectious disease doctor Robert Debbag.

In those first few minutes of the program, Mirta’s night moved between 5 and 6 points e he lost the streak against Married with childrenthe lucrative sitcom which at that point reached 7.5.

PH and another night of confessions

At 10.20pm Andy Kusnetzoff has started a new broadcast of PHthe cycle that runs through the sixth season and in which celebrities are encouraged to make confessions and talk about their past.

In the “meeting point”the juiciest section of the cycle, they were the choreographer and theater director Flavio Mendozzasinger and actress Angela Torres and the actor “Yeyo” by Gregorio.

They were joined by the first Hotel of the Famous Y sing with me now, “Locho” LoccisanoY Giuliana Diaz, one of the last eliminated by Big Brother. In those first minutes of the program, PH far exceeded 8 points.

Among the biggest revelations of the night, Mendoza said he felt discriminated against for being gay and to come from a family of circus performers; Torres recounted a near-death experience and De Gregorio remembered a visit on television with her friend Lali Esposito when they were children.

The final numbers and the most viewed

This Sunday at noon the Saturday averages of each program were known. P: we can talk was the most viewed of the day with an average of 9.3 rating points and a peak of 10.3. Also, Kuarzo’s cycle is up 1.7 points from last Saturday.

in thirteen, Mirta’s night he had an average of 5.6 points and a high of 6.6. Even though the cycle was the second most watched program of the day -e the most watched channel-, dropped by 0.8 points from the previous week.

The podium completed it Married with children with 5 points. The second broadcast of Futuresthe new midnight cycle of Telefe hosted by Érica Fontana and Chani Guyot, was the fourth most watched program on Saturday: it recorded 4.4 points, 1.8 less than its debut.

Source: Clarin

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