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Daniela explained why she decided to have sex with Thiago in front of her “Big Brother” classmates.

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after strong criticism both inside and out Big Brother, Daniela Celisthe last participant to be eliminated from the house, spoke his bond with Thiago and apologized again for annoying his former teammates by having sexual intercourse in front of them.

The ninth eliminated from the reality show hosted by Santiago del Moro was sorry for her behavior with the young man González Catanto whom he was “engaged” during his last weeks at home.

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“With Thiago we let ourselves go, we had a lot of skin, a lot of chemistry… but it was not good. In fact, I spoke to Alfa, I apologized to him personally and publicly in the confessional and I ask it here too,” he began by recounting intimate encounters with his partner.

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But Analía Franchín interrupted her and said that she had done it “five in a row mom”alluding to her sexual record. “Many more,” the model replied through her teeth.

And he followed: “I didn’t want to do it (have sex in the boys’ room, make noises and annoy them, among other attitudes that outraged everyone) much less offend my family and the public”.

“You don’t need to lie. Of course you and Thiago wanted to have sex in front of Alfa. It’s a decision” Ceferino Reato said.

“No, you’ve had cameras and microphones for 24 hours and there comes a time when you forget about them”replied the girl from Moreno.

“But consensus among all is essential”Gastón Trezeguet told him in clear reference to the rules of coexistence. “That’s why I apologized and now I’m doing it again”repeated the former participant, who also denied having done so to make Alfa angry or uncomfortable.

“Weren’t you embarrassed to have sex in the room with other guys there?”Marisa Brel wanted to know. Who Daniela blamed for ‘game pressure’ and what will they say.

Daniela’s inconsolable crying while watching a video of Thiago talking about her

“Obviously I was wrong. We talked, but he didn’t tell me things like that, he said other things to me or attracted me in a different way,” Daniela acknowledged after watching a video of Thiago saying he had fun with her but I didn’t want anything serious because it was very intense.

And she added in a voice broken by anguish and her eyes filled with tears: “He told me we had fun, that he liked being with me, not that I was heavy, in fact, I wouldn’t have pushed him so much.”

Furthermore, Daniela, who Before entering the house, she was dating a man 20 years older than her, She assured that during the first month and a half of the program it was Thiago who was looking for her and not her.

“You idealized a child and made him into the person you wanted him to be. In fact you asked him that he didn’t understand you because other than that he’s 19 years old. He’s very stupid and they went their separate ways” Del Moro told him.

“He was behind me all that time: He hugged me, he looked for me, he complimented me, he wanted me to be with him and I ‘no, no, no’ because of the age difference and because it would have looked ugly,” the now former contestant said in this Tuesday’s debate.


Source: Clarin

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