Edith Hermida confirmed their separation after fifteen years of being a couple: “This relationship had an expiration date”

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Get used to giving news of others this time the protagonist of the information is Edith Hermida. including the beginning of blessed (El Nueve, Monday to Friday at 8.30pm) was different, as they played a tape of Rodrigo Lussich and Adrián Pallares in Show Partners (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 11.20) in which They confirmed the separation of the rapporteur from her husband Roberto Batata Fernández.

consulted by clarion minutes away from airing and driving instead of Betto Casella that he was absent due to illness, Edith clarified that “it is true that we have separated. We were wrong a few years ago and we made the decision, by mutual agreement, that this was the best”.

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“It’s been a very good fifteen years with a beautiful girl whom we love. All on good terms, but definitive. It seems strange to me to have to expose it, but it’s about time. I’m fine but fine, It is a relationship that had already expired and it’s for the best,” concluded Edith, Paloma’s mother from a previous relationship and Protectiondaughter in common with Sweet potato.

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The relationship inside blessed talking about their separation

“Those shoes show another marital status,” he shot Lola Cordero at the start of the show, while showing off her look. “Precisely Beto is missing when I act in the news”he joked on the air, before presenting the report on his separation.

After the funny tape in the best style blessed, in which she included a mock Lionel Scaloni or the Kapanga Monkey saying they wanted to be in a relationship with her, Edith brought up the subject, albeit with tears in her eyes. “I affirm what they said in partner. It’s not easy for me to end a long term relationship. There is love and affection and we have been trying to resolve the situation for a long time“.

It’s better to stay away, especially for the love we have for our daughter. Everything is fine and I have no candidates,” she concluded, responding to the report.

«Now comes a divine stage, I envy you», Tamara Pettinato said encouraging him. “Take your time. Don’t look for anyone. Be fine alone”, advised psychologist Gabriel Cartañá, who said that more or less “a year” must pass before he becomes a good candidate. “This is not a race. Give yourself some time,” concluded the professional.

“I don’t like talking about myself, I prefer to talk about others. But hey… karma exists”closed Hermida with humor, before presenting the next theme of the program, related to Big Brother.

The day Edith opened up about her “ex” caused a stir

In March of this year, while Edith was talking about a serious sentimental crisis with “Batata”, The speaker told Bendita that she hated her ex. This caused an uproar, as many interpreted that she was referring to Amparo’s father and she had never referred to her mate in that way before.

“Hahahaha yes I saw him and he wanted to kill me. They misunderstood, I was talking about my ex, the father of my grown daughter”, he replied, referring to Gabrielfather of the eldest daughter Paloma, who lives in San Juan.

At that time, and in the midst of a relationship on the good relationship between Sabrina Rojas Y Luciano Castro with the tucu lopez Y vine flowertheir new partners, Edith had declared “I’m separated and I can’t stand it”.

And before the gaze of his companions, he redoubled his bet: “I hate him to death. I hate him, I hate him, thank goodness he’s gone to live far away…”he assured. “The ex is hated to death. Resentment until the last day of my life. No justice”later fired.

However, she acknowledged that although she hadn’t spoken about him, she was having a crisis with Roberto Fernández. “We have been together with Batata for 14 years, a relationship that is not easy, but Let’s continue together trying to recover the couple. We have a beautiful family and believe there are still possibilities“, he clarified.

And he completed: “Anyone who knows me understood that I was not talking about Sweet Potato. We love each other and beyond the fact that he’s going through a difficult situation… I’m still counting on him. He is a very good person and I love him very much. I bet we’ll stay together and family.”


Source: Clarin

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