Christmas 2022: the most effective rituals for prosperity, luck and love

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I arrive December, the most magical month of the year. Time for meetings, budgets, traditions and challenges, it’s the time when we get together with our loved ones to celebrate Christmas together.

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But it’s not just the month of Christmas but also that of Good night. Two celebrations that invite us renew energy, faith and hope. A date in which to think back on what has been done so far and strongly wish that everything we would like to happen to us.

So why not take advantage of these special days to reflect, change your attitude and ask the Universe to give us everything we deserve?

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Therefore, rituals to fulfill all our wishes.

Christmas ritual for prosperity

We have to perform this ritual during the morning of December 25th. In a silent room we prepare an altar with a yellow candle, a cinnamon stick of incense, a handful of coarse salt and next to it three bay leaves tied with a yellow ribbon.

First we light the incense and then the candle. When we turn it on, we appear for a few seconds wrapped in yellow or gold. Looking at the fire, we repeat the following decree: “Wealth flows to me. It comes to me and gives me abundance and prosperity that has come to stay in my life and the lives of my loved ones. Thank you, thank you, thank you”.

Once finished, we close our eyes and imagine ourselves again, for a few minutes, surrounded by yellow or gold. In that visualization we see ourselves happy with everything we get and share it with our family and friends.

When the candle goes out, we bury the handful of salt in a pot or place with earth. We keep the bay leaves in a personal drawer until we feel that the wish has been granted.

Christmas ritual to attract good luck

Before dinner on Christmas Eve, the afternoon of December 24th is the ideal time to perform this simple ritual to ask the Universe for all the luck we deserve, to remove all evil and attract all good for us and for our affected.

If we are the hosts, it is better to perform the ritual in the place where we will dine with the guests; If not, we can do it in any environment. We prepare an altar with a white candle and a glass of water.

When we light the candle, we repeat three times: “May luck come into our lives on this special day, may all good things come together in this house and all bad things come out for me and those I love. Thank you, thank you, thank you”.

When the candle goes out, we open (even for a few minutes) all the windows of the house to ventilate. Then we close them again if necessary. We throw water from the cup with our left hand into a pot or place with earth.

Christmas ritual for love

This ritual must be performed on December 24th. We prepare an altar with a pink candle (if we want to find love) or red (if we want to strengthen passion). Next to it we put two cinnamon sticks and a pink or red ribbon (of the same color as the candles).

On a white piece of paper we write the name of the person we are interested in and also place it on the altar.

When we light the candle, we repeat this sentence three times: “On this very special date, I ask the Universe to allow me to have good love with (person’s name). Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

When the candle goes out, we tie the two cinnamon sticks next to the paper on which we write the name with the ribbon and keep it in a personal drawer until our wish for love is fulfilled.

Source: Clarin

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