Home Entertainment Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke react to the twist in the 4th episode of “Moon Knight”

Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke react to the twist in the 4th episode of “Moon Knight”

Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke react to the twist in the 4th episode of “Moon Knight”

New episodes of the Marvel series are released every Wednesday on Disney+

Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke react to the twist in the 4th episode of “Moon Knight” – Reproduction / Disney+

The fourth episode of “Moon Knight”, the Marvel series, arrived on Disney + last Wednesday (20) giving a knot in people’s heads. In an interview, Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawkeprotagonists of the production, discussed the twist at the end, which left a lot of fans with the flea behind their ear.

“I imagine people feeling that when we were finally starting to understand what was going on, the rug is pulled out from under us and we’re thrown into a completely different landscape,” he said. Isaac in an interview with The Wrap.This is very exciting,” added the actor.

Hawke added: “We have a hero with a fractured mind. And he’s an unreliable narrator. What you realize at the end of the fourth episode is that you’re hearing a story from his point of view and he might be deceived”, declared the actor, who plays the villain of the series, Arthur Harrow. The actor also clarified that everything will be resolved, but not without getting even more confused.

In the fourth episode, called “The Tomb”, Marc/Steven and Layla (May Calamawy) manage to enter the tomb of Ammit. However, in the final minutes of the chapter, the character of Oscar Isaac is shot and falls into a pool. When he wakes up, however, he is in what appears to be a psychiatric facility, just like Laylaand both are patients. Harrow command the place and mark and Steven no longer share a body.


directed by Mohamed Diabthe plot follows the life of Steven Grant (Isaac), a kind, polite and apparently normal man, but who discovers he has a double identity, sharing his personality with that of the ruthless mercenary, Marc Spector.

Soon, after discovering this mercenary side, and becoming very rich, he is between life and death on one of his missions. In it, he finds in a vision the Egyptian god Khonshuthe god of the Moon, who grants him the chance to be one of his agents on Earth, turning him into the moon knight.

Despite all the anxiety that fans had to watch the production, it’s good not to get too attached to the story: according to Oscar Isaac, “Moon Knight” was thought to have only one season and should not have a sequel. At least, not in serial format.

The cast of the series still counts with a posthumous participation of Gaspard Uliel (“Hannibal: Origin of Evil”), who recently died in a tragic accident, and with the actors Ethan Hawke (“Corrupted Faith”) and May Calamawy (“Ramy”).

Source: cinebuzz


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