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Thiago’s reaction to seeing the video of the sexual intercourse he had with Daniela in “Big Brother”

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Visiting good phonethe morning news of the broadcasting channel Big BrotherThiago saw live and for the first time the video of the sexual record he broke with Daniela at home.

For those who don’t remember, the former participant, originally from González Catán, had sex four times (some say it was actually five) in the same night with his partner. And the production of the cycle made a compilation with each of the moments.

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These images aired in late November, shortly after Thiago and Daniela had given their first kiss in the reality show. And it was that clip that now enters good phone they decided to show it live. Seeing it, the reaction of the former participant was very particular.

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Is that far from boasting, Thiago only managed to laugh and look with a face full of disbelief at what he himself had actually done.

“What a marathon!”, “Impressive yours!” and “There Was Skin” These are some of the comments that Anabella Messina, Lucila Ilbelle and other members of the Telefe morning news made to the player when they saw the images.

Source: Clarin

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