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The confessions of Maxi, eliminated from Big Brother: “I don’t want that to happen, but I think Alfa will win”

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except three months the 36 years of his life he lived away from home of the older brother And now, again on this side of the threshold, feel that nothing is like before. As if by crossing that door – at midnight on Sunday – he had entered an unknown dimension. “It’s beautiful. I didn’t imagine, even remotely, that all this was waiting for me“, he confesses Maxi Giudicai, formerly as a former participant.

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Since he left the game by public decision -he received 52.02% of the votes, in a face-to-face with Ariel-, he was held in a sort of transition and then was the protagonist of Monday’s debate: Telefe transmission turned out the most viewed of the day, with 19.3 rating points. And this Tuesday, in a telephone conversation with clarionshare your emotions of this “new life”.

“I swear to you as I walked with the suitcase to the door I felt no frustration. I really feel like I won. And, as the hours go by, I discover impressive things. It’s very crazy, suddenly everyone knows you… well, I don’t know if that muchbut I received so much love in an incredible way”, graphic designer Cordovan, with high conversational skills.

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reality, fiction and reality

-Are you still claiming, as you said in the confessional, that you feel like you’re in a movie?

-Yes, it is very strong: since I was chosen in the casting, going through the game itself, for what I experienced there, for meeting my now girlfriend, for winning the car… Everything seems too much for such a short time.

-You could do a series, then.

-If it was the series of my life, This would be, without a doubt, the best season yet. Or, at least, the funniest and most surprising. Think I won the car 0 km and with the penultimate key of 50 that was there. I had never won anything, I hadn’t hit a number in the pool.

That night, after standing twelve hours, clinging to a white car, he was one of five participants who reached the instance of choosing keys and test if it started. After nine attempts each, he was left with two keys and opted for 46. The one with the glory.

And that glory was also what prompted him to continue in the race, given that from Juliana’s farewell (nicknamed Tini inside the house), he didn’t know if he wanted to leave or stay longer. She recognizes it “It wouldn’t have been good for me to stop. Luckily I continued and here we are”. The “here” she finds him giving notes, visiting shows, hugging his girlfriend.

“What would I have imagined falling in love in there? I’m 36 years old, I’m divorcedI signed up to play and suddenly I am dating as a teenager. I love it,” says Maxi, one of the clearest exes when it comes to graphing how he feels or what he thinks. He’s not one to dither or exaggerate strategy. Nor who praises when he understands that the other does not deserve it.

His relationship with Alpha

That’s when Alpha enters the chat. The man who this Tuesday celebrates his 61st birthday in television confinement He was the player with whom he compared himself the most. And with which, he reflects, «many things separate me. I don’t think like him about almost anything And I don’t understand how people haven’t brought it up yet.”

-It is that the most beautiful person, neither the best nor the most correct does not necessarily win. Yes, the one who plays a game that people like.

I know, I know, but He said such unfortunate things and showed his fluff in so many situations It’s hard for me to understand why you continue. I recognize that he has a sensitive side and, after a few fights, we shared beautiful moments. I don’t want it to be an example for children who watch the show. For me, the best thing would be if he wasn’t at home.

-The day Alfa slipped in the pool and hit his hip there was tension between you. But as soon as you saw him fall you ran out to see how he was doing. And that gesture went too far.

– Ah, did you see him? It’s just, yeah, I didn’t cash much, but… far from giving a damn if something happened to him. What I feel has nothing to do with hate, far from it. I do not share your way of thinking.

And, true to form, when asked to assemble the podium of the Big Brother grand finalebe honest: “I don’t want that to happen, but I think Alpha will win“. And, then, complete, “second I see Marcos and, third, Romina”.

A friend and a love

From that house he takes not only a girl, a car, a suitcase with clothes repeated on the camera and memories and “A great friend. We have established an extraordinary relationship with El Cone”. The cone It’s Alexis, like Cordovan like him, who he didn’t know before the reality show: “We live 150 kilometers apart.”

Maxi will stay in Buenos Aires for a few days and then return home “to see my family and friends, e have some small fernecitos“. Dreams with get a job related to television or entertainmentaway from his old occupations, which he does not deny at all: not even when He was not a tachero, a truck driver, nor a salesman of women’s shoes, nor when he served at McDonald’s.

Nor of his closest role, which he held until shortly before entering TV: «I was in an insurance company, in the claims administration area. And so many stories of troubles and accidents have affected me a lot. I’m soaking up the energies around me a lot.”

Talk about the law of attraction, emotions, tender soul and eternal bonds: “I know it in everything that is happening to me I have help from my old man. He’s there, he’s here with me, “gives her, in a voice less firm as at the beginning, thinking of his fatherDaniel, who died on November 27, 2020.

“I feel it must have given him pride that I showed myself on TV for who I am. I played, but I didn’t do anything that I regret. I knew what my limit was: I was not going to win at any cost“, sentence, with a lucidity that not all those who have gone out that door have had.

Source: Clarin

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