Home Entertainment Mar del Plata: a summer to enjoy the best gastronomy

Mar del Plata: a summer to enjoy the best gastronomy

Mar del Plata: a summer to enjoy the best gastronomy

Brand Study for EMTUR Mar del Plata

Summer is synonymous with fun and in this sense, the options never end in Mar del Plata. Of course, gastronomy is no exception and always offers unmissable places to taste and take the memory of the best flavors of Mar del Plata with you on your palate.

Indulge yourself with the most delicious gastronomy, it is already as classic as the photo with the sea lions on the Rambla. From churros and alfajores to craft beers and gins, not forgetting croissants or a hearty fish and shellfish platter. All this and much more makes Mar del Plata a first-rate gastronomic center.

The best way to start the day is with freshly baked croissants, a super gluttonous must that always earns the applause of those who try it and insist on knowing the secret of its texture and flavour. And which is it? They are made with premium quality raw material, which cooperates with product excellence. If we add the talent of Mar del Plata pastry chefs to this, the result is perfect!

The ideal combination for this classic is a good specialty coffee or a delicious tea, which helps transform a simple breakfast or snack into an incomparable gastronomic experience. If we also choose the Take Away mode, we will be able to enjoy all this on the beach and the plan will be perfect.

At lunch or dinner time, the traditional fish and shellfish are always the most chosen. Try a portion of calamari rings, a tasty paella, a sea bream or a flan, these are just some of the must-sees!

For those who prefer roasts, there are also excellent grills where you can satisfy your craving. The recommendation? Accompany the barbecue with a garnish of fresh vegetables grown in the fruit and vegetable area of ​​the city, whose climatic and soil conditions make Mar del Plata a very suitable area for harvesting top quality produce.

For those who want to try something different, the menu can include dishes typical of another country: sushi, Mexican, Arabic, Peruvian or Chinese food, among many other options.

When the sun starts to set, visiting the different craft breweries is the best plan to end a long day at the beach. More than 100 varieties are made in Mar del Plata with combinations for all tastes: the texture, color and aroma of each craft beer distinguish it and give it a different and personal flavour.

Some of the classic styles are Kölsch, Porter, Barley Wine, Pilsen, Imperial Stout, Cream Stout, Honey, India Pale Ale (IPA), Scotch, Blonde, Golden Ale and Red Ale. Also, many breweries have a signature rotating tap that changes during different times of the year. In this way they create several limited edition recipes.

Another excellent accompaniment to any dish is the wines developed in Chapadmalal. They are distinguished by their marked oceanic influence due to the particular climate of the coast and the Pampas lands.

Recently, Mar del Plata has also begun to stand out for the production, distribution and marketing of artisanal gin: tasting it at night has become a very interesting proposition.

A dozen distilleries invite you to try this delicious drink in bars and factories, and it can also be taken as a locally made souvenir.

In Mar del Plata there are no times to be tempted! For this reason, when the desire to eat something sweet calls, the answer is the classics: the alfajor of Mar del Plata or the churros are hypothesized as excellent alternatives to be enjoyed with mate on the beach, in a park, on the coast or while walking for the city.

Alfajores don’t limit their options to traditional flavors and offer varied flavors ranging from fruit and nuts to white, dark, bitter, and TACC-free chocolate toppings. As for churros, they can be filled with dulce de leche, with shortcrust pastry, plain or covered in chocolate.

At dessert time or why not, at any time of the day the artisanal ice cream wins unanimously, becoming another classic of the city, a legacy of the Italian imprint in the gastronomy of Mar del Plata.

Now that we know all the gastronomic options in Mar del Plata, another question arises: where are we going? The beauty is that the gastronomic areas are many and with different environments and landscapes. There are more relaxed or more sophisticated, in commercial areas, in beach inns, in a cabin in the woods, with a full view of the sea or in the rolling fields of the mountains.

The open-air gastronomic corridors also stand out where on the decks overlooking the street and on the terraces you can taste the best delicacies of Mar del Plata. The centre, the Alem area, Güemes, Constitución, Chapadmalal or Córdoba street, are some of the exceptional gastronomic areas that add to the traditional Port Commercial Center.

At any time of the day, Mar del Plata is the ideal place to savor the pleasure of good food. For more information on the gastronomy of Mar del Plata, we recommend visiting the website of the Municipal Tourist Board: www.turismomardelplata.gob.ar

Source: Clarin


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