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Ricardo Fort’s children will have to pay a fortune to Gustavo Martínez’s relatives

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A bomb exploded a few hours ago intruders (America, Monday to Friday at 1.30pm) whose protagonists are Philip AND Strong Marthathe children of the late businessman Ricardo and who They also involve the relatives of Gustavo Martínezformer companion of the chocolatier and tutor of the boys until the day of his death.

According to the lawyer Maurice D’Alessandro, invited to the study, the justice had ruled against the heirs, for which they would have had to pay several tens of millions of pesos to the relatives of Gustavo Martínez. How could Clarin discover, the sum would be about 70 million pesos.

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“Gustavo Martínez had been appointed by Ricardo Fort as guardian of minors to carry out an assignment. According to the Civil Code, this assignment has a fee and that fee was never received by Gustavo Martínez. After the deaths, there are many comings and goings between the Fort family and the Martínez family, considering there was an abandonment in their last moments, but this has not been the subject of a lawsuit,” he said.

Mauricio D'Alessandro spoke about the fees that must be paid to the grandchildren of Gustavo Martínez.  Television capture

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Mauricio D’Alessandro spoke about the fees that must be paid to Gustavo Martínez’s grandchildren. Television capture

“What the family said was that he was not financially well-off and worked as a guardian for minors. That complaint happened when the minors got older, because that claim cannot be made to a minor. Felipe and Martita replied through their lawyer (César Carozza) saying that everything was prescribed, that this statement was made in life, but he didn’t“, added the lawyer.

“That time has passed and now the statute of limitations applies, so neither he nor his family have the right to claim anything. But the Justice said the lawsuit should have been started from the moment the minors reached the age of majority and that Gustavo Martínez died. Therefore, even the shorter limitation period of two years has not yet been respected. And the statement is correctD’Alessandro said.

Justice has set a figure of tens of millions. The beneficiaries are the relatives of Gustavo Martínez. I’m forbidden to say how much it costs. The Strong are finding out now. I received the notification minutes before entering here,” he closed.

Word of César Carozza, the lawyer of Marta and Felipe Fort

Consulted by Clarin, the lawyer Caesar Carozza expressed his point of view on the situation and the first thing he wanted to clarify is that “This is not a judicial setback from anyone, but simply a regulation of fees”.

Cesar Carozza and Felipe Fort.  instagram

Cesar Carozza and Felipe Fort. instagram

“Tutors have a task according to what is established by the code for the collection of fees. The grandchildren have not started a court file against Ricardo’s childrenbut rather they presented themselves as successors and asked for the regulation of the fees for the uncle’s business for having been the guardian of the minors”, explained the lawyer.

In this context, Carozza added that “what has come out now are the regulations of Gustavo, of the lawyers of the Kielmanovich firm, and mine as Ricardo’s lawyer. We have never said that this was not appropriate. We can also challenge him in this case and As a professional and youth representative, I have an obligation to appeal the fees“.

Finally, Fort’s lawyer and friend remembered it with emotion “Ricardo has asked me in life to take care of his children and I am realizing it”.

Source: Clarin

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