Homemade programming for the 41st season of La Licorne

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Théâtre La Licorne, in Montreal, announced its programming for the 2022-2023 season on Monday. It offers 11 pieces grouped under the slogan “Fait maison”.

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For its next season, La Licorne wants to highlight the warm and enveloping spirit of this theater where it’s nice to laugh, think and dream together, pretty simplehe said in a statement.

As usual, La Licorne leaves plenty of space for the productions of creative theater company La Manufacture, which has produced four plays.

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[Cette programmation]it is our authors and our authors above allsummary by artistic and general director of La Licorne and La Manufacture Philippe Lambert.

He confessed that he was particularly happy with the idea of ​​staging chocolatewhich draws its origin from a text annoying by young author and actress Phara Thibault.

The latter, born in Haiti and adopted by a Quebec family, looks at his host society without judgment. Throughout the play, which will be shown from March 6 to April 14, 2023 at La Petite Licorne, he recounts his exploration of identity, which led to experiences of discrimination and racism. usually.

Systemic racism was staged

Others heart stroke by Philippe Lambert: the piece fourteen a creation by Canadian playwright Jason Sherman translated into French by Jean-Marc Dalpé and directed by Didier Lucien.

Presented from January 17 to February 25, 2023 at Grande Licorne, the work tells the story of four screenwriters whose mission is to develop a detective TV series. However, a race profiling event experienced by a team member would confuse the issue.

We are in the DNA of La Licorne: heavy, black, weird, surprising. It’s funny and at the same time it touches on issues of systemic racism, the power of television, but also power in general.said Philippe Lambert.

He was holding a fake steering wheel and pretending to drive.

The public will also be able to watch the play The ICESco-produced by Théâtre La Bordée, in Quebec City, from October 8 to November 5, 2022.

It follows the story of a man accused of sexually assaulting a friend as a child, based on a text written by Rebecca Déraspe while she was living as an author in La Licorne.

An adaptation of erotic comedy two golden women the signed Catherine Léger will also be available in theaters from April 18 to May 13, 2023.

run of milk : from documentary theater to Unicorn

Among the seven productions to be hosted at the Théâtre La Licorne next season, Philippe Lambert features the presence of run of milk, written by Justin Laramée. It will be presented from November 22 to December 17 at Grande Licorne.

It’s documentary theater to our liking, deep and touching.he says about the play, which explores the reality of producers in the Quebec dairy industry.

Also note the piece Short interviews with extraordinary womendirected by Gabrielle Lessard from a text by Joan Yago García, which will begin the 41st season of the Montreal theater on Sept. 6 at La Petite Licorne.

The main hall of La Licorne will host its first show, The violin incompatibilitySeptember 20.

This text was written based on an interview conducted by Catherine Richercultural columnist on the show 15-18. Comments can be edited for clarity and brevity.

Source: Radio-Canada

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