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Who is María del Mar Ramón, the woman who was with Jorge Rial in Colombia when he had a heart attack

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Sundays around 5pm a woman communicated with the daughters of Jorge Rial asking them to travel to Colombia because their father had suffered a heart attack and was in critical condition. Who is?

As specified in art intruders (America, at age 13), the person who accompanied the reporter when he suffered the heart problem that almost cost him his life is called María del Mar Ramón, Colombian writer with which the journalist would have started a love story.

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“Since Wednesday Jorge hadn’t made his schedule, he had gone on vacation. Why? With María del Mar Ramón. Apparently it would be his new girlfriend“, explained Marcela Tauro, who replaced Flor de la Ve this Monday in conducting the classic series of shows.

María del Mar Ramón is 30 years old and is a writer.  Television capture

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María del Mar Ramón is 30 years old and is a writer. Television capture

Then, the journalist gave way to her partner Maite Peñóñori, who provided various details about the woman who traveled with Rial to Bogotá.

“Since 2012, María del Mar has lived in Buenos Aires. Born in Bogota, she is a writer, she has two books. Right now the international book fair is in Colombia, that’s why he exhibited today (for Monday) and yesterday she was a moderator and book signer, activities that she hasn’t even suspended,” she explained.

Journalist Maite Peñóñori has stated that María del Mar is a known militant of feminism.  Television capture

Journalist Maite Peñóñori has stated that María del Mar is a known militant of feminism. Television capture

And I add: “She is a 30-year-old girl, very feminist, She has significant militancy in feminism, in fact she created a non-governmental organization called Red de mujeres and a collective in Colombia called Las viejas verdes. In other words, she has an important militancy beyond the books she writes.”

Ángel de Brito’s word about María del Mar Ramón and more information about her life

Even the journalist who has been closely following the case since Jorge Rial passed away on Saturday posted information on his Twitter account about this mystery woman who accompanied the driver to Colombia.

“Rial’s ‘girlfriend’ made her account private,” the driver revealed THEY (America, 20:00) on the Instagram profile of the aforementioned writer, where she is followed by 28,000 users.

Colombian writer María del Mar Ramón.

Colombian writer María del Mar Ramón.

In your account in the aforementioned social network, María defines herself: “I write and drink coffee,” she says. At the same time, leave a link to the publisher where you publish all your bookswith titles like Everything dies, except the sea, The pack, Pleasure is feminist AND throw away and live guilt-free.

The biography of the writer he presents the Planeta editorial on its website mentions that she was born in 1992 in Bogotáwho is a columnist for Vice and who “writes for various Latin American media”. “Currently he works in radio and audiovisual content development. Since 2012 he lives in Buenos Aires”add.

In this sense, Ángel also tweeted for the three and a half million users who follow him on the bird’s social network: “That’s why (Rial) was in Colombia accompanying her for her work.”

Regarding the fact that he had contact with the journalist’s alleged partner, De Brito revealed: “I asked him about Jorge on Saturday, but he never answered. They’ve been together for two months.”

How Jorge Rial’s health is evolving

Guillermo Capuya, his personal physician, traveled to Bogotá, Colombia and said the reporter he woke up after the surgery and that “his parameters have improved”.

Jorge Rial's doctor spoke to C5N.  Catch TV.

Jorge Rial’s doctor spoke to C5N. Catch TV.

Now we have to wait and see the evolution, but everything seems to indicate that things are going well.”assured the doctor in statements to the C5N channel.

The expert said so it was a complex episode, but he is recovering well and said it is very well looked after. He explained that he arrived in Colombia late on Sunday, that he was able to visit him in the room and so on was able to talk to him.

Source: Clarin

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