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Alarming message from Alejandro Sanz: “I’m sad and sometimes I don’t even want to be there”

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Alejandro Sanz has posted an alarming message on his Twitter account. “I am not well. i am sad and tired“Wrote the Spanish musician on the aforementioned social network. And added:”But sometimes I don’t even want to be. Literally“.

His followers showed great concern when they read about the difficult emotional moment that Alejandro Sanz is experiencing in the midst of his world tour.

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After performing in several South American countries, including Argentina, the Spanish section of “Sanz en vivo” is scheduled to start on June 3 in Pamplona. These concerts will take place until August, the month in which he will return to the American continent for the next stage.

Alejandro Sanz, in his recent show at the Movistar Arena.  Photo Martin Bonetto.

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Alejandro Sanz, in his recent show at the Movistar Arena. Photo Martin Bonetto.

But last night, Friday, Alejandro Sanz took a moment to speak to his followers with absolute candor about his painful state of mind.

In the tweet that has aroused so much anguish among his fans, the Madrid-based artist begins by admitting: “I am not wellAnd he adds: “I don’t know if this is of any use, but I want to say it. In case anyone else thinks you always have to be a sea breeze or a firework on a summer night.”

In an attempt to bring some peace of mind to those who read it, Alejandro Sanz clarifies: “I’m working on making it disappear“. And you add: “I will be on stage and something inside will tell me what to do.”

Then, bluntly and without trying to hide her feelings, she explains: “But sometimes I don’t even want to be. Literally. Just to be fair. In order not to get into the useless noise”.

I know there are people who feel this way. If it works for you, I feel the samel,” the 54-year-old musician closes his tweet.

It is not the first time that Alejandro Sanz has spoken to his followers about his days of sadness. Already last November he had confided to them: “I spent a sad period, musically empty, angry and devoid of creativity. Consigned to nothing”.

At the time, he also told them that, fortunately, he had managed to overcome it: “But, suddenly, I have recovered my essence,” he assured. I long for new concerts and recordings. The music begins to burn inside me again. I just wanted to share it.”

Karina La Princesita’s comment on Alejandro Sanz’s tweet: “Reading makes you feel like you’re not crazy”

As expected, Alejandro Sanz’s dramatic tweet generated a cascade of responses from his followers, determined to encourage him and wish him a speedy recovery.

One of the comments that made the most impact was that of Karina La Princesita, who has been explaining for some time, both on social media and in journalistic notes, that she is being treated by psychologists and psychiatrists because she suffers from anxiety attacks. “My mind is playing tricks on me,” she sums up.

A victim of this type of health problem herself, the benchmark of the Argentine tropical scene replied to Alejandro Sanz’s tweet saying: “Reading makes you feel that you are not crazy, that you are not alone, that you are not strange.and that even if many do not understand it and feed on these situations, it will surely pass”.

Source: Clarin

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