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Controversy over Nicole Neumann’s marriage: harsh statement by the Mapuche community against marriage

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The wedding of Nicole Neumann and Manu Urcera, scheduled for December 8, has outraged the Mapuche communities of Neuquenwhich in the last few hours has issued a publication repudiate the celebration and demand that measures be taken in this regard.

Is that the party will be a gift from the model’s father-in-law, Claudio Urceraaccused of provoking with his sanitation company serious environmental damage in the popular neighborhoods of the aforementioned province in the south of the country.

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“What is Nicole’s role? What will be your position if you discover that your father-in-law will use part of the fortune that refuses to pay for environmental damage and invest it in the festival of the year?”, the activists ask in the statement that the Mapuche Confederation of Neuquén posted on the his Facebook page.

Furthermore, in this letter, they define the event as a “mockery of the population of the region” and ensure that the signature of the model’s father-in-law “is a source of contamination” in Patagonia and six years ago “was sanctioned by violations of the environmental framework law of Neuquén, but the fines were never paid”.

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The statement against Nicole Neumann.

The statement against Nicole Neumann.

“The party of the year or the joke of the year? Nicole Neumann, famous model and protector of nature who repeats her militant slogan ‘we don’t have a planet B’, disseminates enthusiastic data on what is already entitled ‘the wedding of the year’ and makes known the fortune that will be invested in this party”They also state in the statement.

And they add: “Model, chauffeur, businesswoman or actress Nicole Neumann is always true to her commitment to care for the environment. A true ‘earth lover’, as she defines her in her Instagram biography.”

Then, then, they recall a statement by the model, who some time ago assured: “Of course, going vegan was a very important decision because livestock emit methane gas, which contributes to climate change. All these actions help stop the destruction of the flora and fauna we see every day. I swear my soul aches when I see paperwork thrown from a car or when I go to the beach and leave the leftovers from my picnic. It’s amazing that these things keep happening.”

Source: Clarin

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