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Fito Páez detailed his Love After Love flip: ‘If you had to do sacrilege, you had to do it savagely’

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Fito Páez has released some details on the departure of EADDA9223his reversal of the mythical Love after loveon the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the best-selling album in the history of Argentine rock.

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During the interview he gave to the program round and a halfissued by urban gamethe musician from Rosario has said on several occasions that he likes not having plans and the idea of ​​reviewing his 1992 work.

“Ok, let’s record it,” Páez replied to Carlos Bandera, his musician and “the one responsible”, according to him, for the production of El amor después del amor versión siglo XXI.

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“We were drinking at home, as usual,” the story began, describing Bandera as a “specialist in onomastics, he knows everything… such a date, such a day and he says ‘next year it will be 30 years of’ love after love'”.

Páez agreed, although he argued: “I said it while drinking a bottle, I don’t know… you say anything”. And he concluded: “Finally today, a year later, it’s already registered”.

Relaxed, thoughtful and in visible good humor, the man from Rosario claimed that “you don’t know what you’re doing until you do it”.

“But eventually you find, other than the excitement of getting back to the material, that it could have been anything. But in this case, if a sacrilege was to be done, it had to be done savagely. Love after love was ideal,” she explained.

Later, when asked what it was like to return to work on new versions of each of the songs from that historic success, the performer and composer replied: “It was an intellectual exercise analyzing what to do with each song. All songs had at least two versions, At least. Some many, many more.”

In each of his answers, the pleasure that his new job gave him was noted in the tone and gestures, which presented itself with a listening ordered by themes to invite the listener “to immerse themselves in the journey” that that implies, as he described . The work features artists such as Lali, Wos, Chico Buarque and Elvis Costello himself, for whom he has expressed immense admiration. “It’s John Lennon. There’s no one else like him.”

Precisely, about the guests said this “no musician” declined his invitationdespite some “having more schedule problems” to participate in the album recorded in the US.

“Everyone came in very warmly,” he added.

Fito made a special reference to Lali and Nicky Nicole’s participation in “Dos días en la vida”. I asked them a little more, a little more, and in the end the two of them reached a point of excellence”.

“Rock and roll is Capusotto and Oscar Wilde”

Fito Páez, at the beginning of the extensive interview, who from time to time had moments of humor, memories and even pleasant conversations between old acquaintances, answered how he feels before the praise that puts him on a pedestal.

“Rock and roll doesn’t have that in its DNA. We’re not prepared for bronze, or statues, or solemnity, or seriousness, so all of that is immediately rejected,” he said.

However, he explained that he likes the recognition because “it’s love, it’s something else.”

“We also saw artists from other disciplines such as quickly the figure of the writer… the floripondium, all that thing…”, he began to describe to deepen his concept. “Well, rock and roll doesn’t have that. It has laughter and it has to desacralize, in any case. Rock and roll is (Diego) Capusotto and Oscar Wilde. The other is more the oracle, the Olympus of writers, artists , who do very good things, but that has nothing to do with who we are,” he concluded.

Source: Clarin

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