Home Entertainment Ana Rosenfeld returns to LAM reloaded: she says she will sue three journalists

Ana Rosenfeld returns to LAM reloaded: she says she will sue three journalists

Ana Rosenfeld returns to LAM reloaded: she says she will sue three journalists

In early April Anne Rosenfeld said goodbye to the air SILA (America, Monday to Friday at 8 pm) clarified that it is for three weeks, since he will take a vacation to the United States to be with his family again.

The issue is how it happened amid a series of complaints the lawyer received from some of his former clientsthought at the time that he would never return to the program.

Even before leaving he had a few crosses with Yanina Latorre, so many believe he will never sit on the panel again. However, this morning he returned to the country and in the evening he returned to occupy his seat. And as soon as Ángel de Brito introduced him, the lawyer advanced some reflection and answered the questions of the driver and his companions.

Ana Rosenfeld returned to LAM after a three -week vacation.  TV Capture

Ana Rosenfeld returned to LAM after a three -week vacation. TV Capture

“The holidays were very nice and it helped me to downshift. Because as soon as what happened to me, I started running right away and I never stopped. Everyone told me I was going to fall and I would realize what I was living for and that will show me more inside, than I can see around me, ”he admits.

“I really enjoyed it. We spent a week alone with my two daughters touring a place Marcelo loved, New York, going to places we used to go with him. We mixed love, memories and tears, know that. he is there all the time“, he highlighted.

“I didn’t miss them but I know everything about #LAM because I have Rosenfeld’s army”, ironically he fired. And he admitted he strictly followed everything that happened SILA. “I’m attentive to what they told me was happening here,” she added.

His opinion on the dispute between Burlando and Marcovecchio

Consulted about the fight between Fernando Burlando and Elba Marcovecchiodenounced that he had not been paid pesos since Jorge Lanata became his partner, Rosenfeld said that “It is very difficult to give an opinion from this area, because The topic of payments depends on the modality of each study. Sometimes you go with a percentage, sometimes you charge monthly. There are employment contracts and others come as internships. “

Ana Rosenfeld said she will start several lawsuits against those who slandered her.  TV Capture

Ana Rosenfeld said she will start several lawsuits against those who slandered her. TV Capture

He later gave his opinion about Burlando’s absence from his colleague’s wedding, as he had not been invited. “It depends on how the relationship is. I think when you leave a studio properly you should be invited“She said, and remembered that she invited all the employees of her studio to her daughter’s birthday.

“I know Fernando very well and He’s not a professional who doesn’t take a case for the economy. For example, he took the case of Baez Sosa, the child killed at Villa Gessell who knew it was a case where he would not make money, ”he added, marking his position in favor of Burlando in the fight.

The DNA of Palito Ortega with Rosa, his alleged child

Later they shared statements of Rosas, the alleged son of Palito Ortega, who left a message for the lawyer. “This issue started around 2004,” Rosenfeld recalled. Rosa Ortega seems nervous and that “If Palito did the DNA like he said, it means he was with my mother”challenge.

On the other hand, Rosa remembers the moment she made the DNA and mentioned Rosenfeld as one of the people present in that case.

And he reiterated that Rosenfeld was his parents ’lawyer at the time, and he later dropped the file. “I admired the lawyer at one point for how he defended women, but I ask him to tell the truth. “he said, because he maintains that Palito Ortega was not present at the DNA test.

“That’s pro bono, I don’t charge anything. I accompanied Ramón and Juan Ortega to the Hospital de Clínicas to do the DNA. I didn’t tell this woman not to take a sample to do a counter-test, as she said,” Reply by Rosenfeld.

Rosenfeld’s response was: “My resignation is on file. I discussed it with Ramón and Evangelina. Now the legal procedure is to exhume the body of Juan Ortega and for Rosa to do the countertest on himbecause it was positive, even though he was questioning that DNA, ”he suggested.

Technically, there is no reason to take DNA from Palito. Juan’s test is positive and in any case that test must be repeated, “the lawyer reflected.

He then identified a new complainant. “Now I have to go out and defend myself against Mrs. Rosa Ortega. My answer will come to my complainants. The woman went to C5N and he says I gave him a paper, I told him I saw the invoice. I can’t remember what we talked about since it was 2014. Now the lawyer who was with him in defaming me is in danger. The complaint against him continues, because he is lying. “

I will take care of those who criticize me interfering (America, Monday through Friday at 1:30 pm) I did all my work and now I’m focused on collecting my bills. I have won in all court instances and everything they said was rejected and confirmed that I did my job and I want to collect my fees, ”he explained.

“I took advantage of the trip to collect information and see tapes of things being said. There were three people who disrupted my work and I will not allow three journalists to dramatize a situation in court it was as if I begged the judge to give me a hearing. Even Chiche Gelblung admits that he lost a fortune to me for presenting a theme ”.

“I’m not going to name the three journalists for now. They’ll know when I make the presentations,” he replied, when his own colleagues asked him who he was referring to. It was also not clarified whether Flor de la Ve was included in that presentation..


Source: Clarin


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