Paulo Londra’s former father -in -law, mother of Rocio Moreno, with whom the musician has two girls and currently has a legal conflict, was sent all against him. In the dialogue with interfering (America, and 13), Marina Romero was furious with London after the second hearing of the musician and her son on Tuesday and where they failed to reconcile.
The outline of the situation is as follows: Paulo Londra and Rocío Moreno have been married for six years. From their union was born two women: Isabella -she will be two years old next July- and Francesca, two months old. With little left for the birth of a minor, they made public the crisis they were going through.they separated and Rocío went to court with economic claims.
Rocío Romero asked the court an economic compensation from his former partner and father of his daughters. She argues that she set aside any activity that could earn her income to accompany her in her career and raise their daughters.
Last Tuesday, a second hearing was held in the Family Court of Córdoba with the aim of reconciling Paulo Londra and Rocío Moreno. As stated Paul Layus | sa interferingsomething in what happened at that meeting in which the parties and their attorneys participated, happened.

Rocío Moreno’s mother, was very cruel to his former son -in -law Paulo Londra. Get a TV.
“I don’t know how to say it, I will try to translate it into the right words. Londra or his entourage will tell Rocío: ‘Two nights of fun is not a family project’”, Said Layús in the cycle led by Flor de la V. Then, the panelist added:“ Another phrase is: ‘Raising daughters is pointless, more daily going out to work’“.
For her part, Rocio’s mother Marina Romero had no problem shooting her ex -son -in -law Paulo Londra over the musician’s behavior towards her son.
“Rocío, when asking for a house. is trying to guarantee a roof for his daughters. The only thing these creatures will receive is what Rocío can assure them now, ”began London’s former mother -in -law.
And he continued: “Tomorrow, I hope the father is doing incredible and the girls can have a standard of living according to the father’s level, but if in the future they find out the father has no property , as they say, then, minimum, that they have a house ”.
Those sayings by Marina Romero refer to versions according to which lawyer Ana Rosenfeld would find overseas accounts that she had not declared to Justice.
“They have a family project”
In connection with the phrases which, according to Layus, would have been heard from London, his former father -in -law said: “Listening to the misogynistic phrases it’s annoying because boys have been dating since 2015.
“They went to eat at the mall with a 2×1, they showed their lives on social networks, they traveled together, my daughter accompanied her to record video clips … So, you can’t argue that they have a family project“, He added.
Then, he made a warning about Paulo London: “Your obligation as a father is to ensure the welfare and care of your daughters.”.
According to her ex-father-in-law, the singer barely sees her daughters. He put it this way: “They arranged for him to pick up Isabella three times a week. Sometimes he is looking for less and sometimes more, depending on whether he is traveling or not. But to Francisca, the last time he saw it was when they went to get his ID, at the end of February. either that He saw it three times and he also did not ask for a photo of the baby”.
“Francisca is so beautiful, she’s smiling … If she can see her eyes, feel her smell and get to know her, maybe she’ll have a chance to love her and feel weird,” Rocío Moreno’s mother said.
“Nothing surprises us anymore, we have been aware of the abuse since the birth of the second baby“, he assured.

In dialogue with Flor de la Ve, Marina Moreno, former mother-in-law of Paulo Londra, very harsh against the singer. Get a TV.
Besides, He maintained that Paulo Londra recognized Rocío Moreno that he had been unfaithful to him in Spanish Lyna Bekkiche. That was a topic that has caused a stir in the networks since the maiden came out to say that the singer’s environment prompted her to terminate her pregnancy.
“Rocío found out about it from him, because that same day everything exploded on Twitter. Then he confessed that he was dishonest. He also admitted it to us. And they had a big crisis. He told him that everything that woman said was true. I knew from her, “said London’s former father -in -law interfering.
“For us, he is another child, because he grew up at home,” he explained. I want you to continue to succeedbecause he is the father of my grandchildren and if he is well, the women and the family will be well too. “
“But they fight over crumbs because if we start thinking about the numbers they hold … they are not teachers like me”, Concluded Marina Romero.
Source: Clarin