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Book guide: 6 science fiction works that are successful in the literary universe

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Discover some works that are in the ranking of the best sellers on Amazon

Discover some works that are in the ranking of the best sellers on Amazon – Disclosure / Amazon

There’s nothing better than reading stories that blow you away at every turn of the page, right? If you’re fascinated by science fiction and fantasy books, then you can’t miss these tips! The Cinebuzz website has prepared a list of 6 works that promise to involve and conquer everyone from start to finish.

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Just look:

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey –

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Credit: publicity / Amazon

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Written by Arthur C. Clarke, the work presents the discovery of a monolith buried in the Moon that leaves scientists perplexed. To investigate this mystery, Earth sends a highly trained team and HAL 9000, an artificial intelligence responsible for the operation of the spacecraft and the safety of the crew, into space. However, the appearance of small flaws raises the suspicion that something is wrong with the mission. In order to expand the story created with Stanley Kubrick for the cinema, the narrative baffles the reader and leads him to an alternative future of human history.

Source: cinebuzz

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