Home Entertainment Drunken Birds was crowned the Jacques-Marcotte Prize for Best Screenplay

Drunken Birds was crowned the Jacques-Marcotte Prize for Best Screenplay

Drunken Birds was crowned the Jacques-Marcotte Prize for Best Screenplay

Screenwriters Sara Mishara and Ivan Grbovic were honored with the Jacques Marcotte Prize for Best Screenplay for the film drunken birds, Saturday night, as part of the closing night of 40ay Meet Quebec Cinema.

In a press release, the Society of Radio, Television and Cinema Authors (SARTEC), which is awarding this award, indicated that the feature film won the jury through its screenplay. original, poetic, non -linear and in perfect balance between romantic history and social narrative.

The film tells the story of Willy, who leaves Mexico to find Marlena, the woman he loves. His search takes him to Canada, where he became a seasonal worker on a farm near Montreal.

The screenwriters of the film drunk birds beat Caroline Monnet and Daniel Watchorn at the finish line until Bootlegger; Normand Bergeron, Benoît Pilon and Marc Robitaille for The Vinland Club; Albéric Aurtenèche for The contemplation of the mysteryas well as Ky Nam Le Duc for The most beautiful country in the worldwho were all finalists for the Prix Jacques-Marcotte.

The Jacques-Marcotte Prize, created in 2020, aims to celebrate the excellence of authors from the world of Quebec cinema. It includes a $ 10,000 scholarship.

It also honors the memory of Jacques Marcotte, who notably signed the texts of the films Lounge bar, Hot water, hot water, In the moonlight at An invented story.

drunk birds was nominated for an Oscar in the category of best international film. It also garnered six nominations for the Canadian Screen Awards, and won top awards in the Best Picture category.

Source: Radio-Canada


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