Nico Furtado and Ester Exposito, more in love than ever.
He’s Uruguayan, and he, Spanish, but both fond of Argentine customs. They are Nicolás Furtado and Ester Expositotogether in Argentina and enjoyed a weekend full of stone, roasted and even fernet served in a broken plastic bottle.
The actor, known in our country for his participation in The pendantwhich interprets God, one of the key personnel, has lived in Buenos Aires for many years. While Esther, star of the series Elite (Netflix), lives in Madrid. But this time it was him He visits his girlfriend and it needs to prepare a very local tour for him.
On Saturday night, for example, Furtado brought the actress to watch La Renga’s concert at the Estadio Único de La Plata with another friendly friend. Then, they continued the night by drinking some fernet with cola in sliced plastic bottles, with an imprint on the neighborhood.
The photo of the couple at the La Renga show.
But it didn’t stop there, this Sunday, the artist shared on his Instagram account, where 29 million people follow him, the photo of a grill where barbecue prepared for him by the actor.
The fernet in a cut plastic bottle published by Ester Expósito.
Weekend photos of this couple They went viral on social networks where their fans echoed the comments flattering the actor.
“I love Nico Furtado taking Ester Expósito to the La Renga recital and drinking fernet in a bottle cut as appropriate. Will you do everything? “,”Ester Expósito drinks fernet in a sliced bottle and you don’t drink if it’s not in the glass ”,“ Ester Expósito drinks fernet in a sliced bottle: after me, after me“, some of the appreciations made by fans of the well -known Spanish artist.
The barbecue Furtado made for Ester in Buenos Aires.
The love story that left China Suárez out
Furtado and Expósito’s romance became official in October 2021 afterwards the rumors of a romance between the actor and China Suárez.
Although neither Eugenia nor Nicolás confirmed the welfarephoto of them eating at a Madrid restaurant that was leaked last year it was at least proven that they would meet.
Moreover, they make sure to see the actor one night at Pilar’s house that Suárez and Vicuña bought before splitting up.
There is also a lot of talk about an alleged bad relations between China and Esther because the first of them is labeled as the third in the conflict in the romance of the second.
Even Ester “liked” a magazine publication Paparazziwhere Suárez is called a “husband stealer”.
“In our stories, China’s first‘ charged ’marriage and that this earned him the massive nickname ‘stolen wife’“, Says in the post where Ester posted a” like “.
Nicolás Furtado and China Suárez in Madrid.
On April 13, when the Spanish actress arrived in Argentina, the mobile company of show partners (El Trece, at 11) asked him and his girlfriend, via Furtado, how their relationship was after rumors of a crisis due to versions in China.
“How is everyone between you? What are your expectations for El Marginal 5? Do you like our country Esther? What do you like about Argentina? How long have they been here in the country? “, Some of the journalist’s questions to the couple but they did not want to answer.
Source: Clarin