“One by one”told them Apple TO ‘The furious ones a few weeks ago. “We are not afraid of you”, they replied, and he said “neither.” Catalina and Carla, two of them, have since left Big Brother, one by people’s decision and another by their own decision. Until that moment, Juliana (aka Fury, the strongest this season) e Federico (aka Manzana) were on different sides inside the house. But, overnight they came together to survive in the game. Something similar to “the slightest thought of the GH alliance”.
The conflict had started as one of Furia’s many “jokes”: the RKT singer had gone into the confessional to tell part of his strategy and He stood by the door listening to what his competitor was saying.. Among various things, he underlined “The Furious”: “I can no longer stand the falsehood of the police (Agostina) and that of Cata. I’m noticing Furia’s game, from her to me, in an expanded way. The day I have to be on board with people who don’t know me and think I’m very good You’ll see my other side, I don’t know if it’s as beautiful”.
It looked like that The conflict between the two would not end soon, but now they showed their cards and surprised with an alliance something that was reflected in the nominations confessional last week, when the participants were forced to vote positively, that is, to nominate the two that each wanted to remain in the running.

Federico “Manzana” Farías gave two votes to Furia, and returned one, mutually cooperating to avoid being captured. Although neither of them managed to be among the three most voted, they still made their strategic agreement clear. “He’s opened up (about his previous partners), he’s telling the truth about that group, and also about a lot of other things that they’ll find out later. Basically, What he wants to do is make an alliance with me and I hope it works.. If it doesn’t work, nothing happens; I I know I can do everything on my own“, explained Furia in the confessional at the time of the nomination.
For her part, Manzana also confirmed her alliance with one of the favorite players of the contest: “In recent weeks we have had a fairly strong relationship based on gaming and affinity”. Furthermore, they also demonstrated the good relationship they now have in front of their colleagues when they enjoyed acting in a remake of The Godfather.
The Big Brother participants had fun making a remake of the cinematic classic.
Although relations between the two have improved and there is a new partnership, Furia does not trust and explained to the cameras that she does not completely trust anyone: “I came here to play. Later we will tell the story of Troy in Manzana, do we trust it? No. Anything could happen? Yes. Does it concern me? No. If something goes wrong, is there a leak? Yes, and that’s why I don’t worry.”

Furia’s monologue went viral. From the day the game started, December 11, 2023, she began to step on the walls of the house, playing consciously (she assumes that she has seen almost all the games). GH of Argentina). She was initially rejected by most of her classmates, but Seeing that “outside” was getting stronger, many began to approach. A collaboration between the singer and the stuntwoman seemed impossible. We will see if this last Wednesday of January, when the negative votes return, we will continue to follow the path of loyalty.
Source: Clarin