Home Entertainment Sandra Ballesteros ’new life: away from acting, she enters a service station

Sandra Ballesteros ’new life: away from acting, she enters a service station

Sandra Ballesteros ’new life: away from acting, she enters a service station
Sandra Ballesteros ’new life: away from acting, she enters a service station

Sandra Ballesteros returned to Gualeguay and focused on non-acting activities.

Owner of unique beauty, Sandra Ballesteros participate in great success on television such as Summer of ’98, gas tankers, I will fight, lalola Y beautiful. In cinema he stands out in his participation The dark side of the Heart, from Eliseo Subiela. However, in an integrated acting career, almost a decade ago he decided to change his life: he returned to Villaguay and completely changed course.

“The last thing I did was a very good play called Oedipus.com, with Pablo Alarcón, in El Tinglado,” he said of his work as an actor, in a chat with LaNación.com. before counting how did you decide to pick up the service station who used to drive his father to Entre Ríos.

“Inside I felt that I needed another way of life, and this other way of life was asking to thrive. It was something that was certain when my father told me he had put up the service station. of Villaguay for sale, I told him that almost no one thought of not selling, that I would take care of it“, tells about the beginnings of his new activity.

Sandra Ballesteros completely changed her life.  He moved away from acting and attended a YPF.  Instagram

Sandra Ballesteros completely changed her life. He moved away from acting and attended a YPF. Instagram

Sandra personally attends downtown YPF, which was almost refurbished in 2019. “And I serve, because if we don’t give a hand to the world we live in, we don’t have it; I want things to be better for everyone. I have great faith in God, but my hands and devotion are also in himand if I fail, I fail him ”, the actress studied.

On the other hand, Sandra says she has an organic garden that she feeds every day. “In Buenos Aires I became vegan because I had more time here and here I started eating meat because they invite you to a barbecue. and you can’t say no. And at least, out of respect for animals. And I prefer to choose vegetables, fruits and legumes; In my refrigerator, the meat is for the dogs, ”he said.

A trip to India is the beginning of change

Ballesteros said that in 2008 he traveled to India which marked the beginning of a change in his life. “I don’t need too much exposure or go‘ outside ’, but I want to work on my inner self. I am always interested in doing service, I want to give a hand with love, but you don’t live by that (laughs). He guided meditation groups and he didn’t give me a peso because I didn’t care to be paid, ”he recalled.

Another of the changes that took place at this stage of his life was the spiritual call through music. “I direct a choir, I put on a living way of the cross and a Pentecost with the local peoplewho is not an actor. For many years I was part of a prayer group called Abba Padre at Santa Rosa de Lima Church, of the Charismatic Catholic Renewal, which is a stream asking for the Holy Spirit, ”he said enthusiastically.

Sandra Ballesteros in one of the scenes of "The mark of desire" with Gerardo Romano.

Sandra Ballesteros in one of the scenes of “The mark of desire” with Gerardo Romano.

“I’ve always been very mystical, but I have no religion. I was baptized, I didn’t want to remove communion from rebellion, even though I always believed in something higher. In India I traveled thousands of kilometers to find the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the same temple where Krishna was, and my heart exploded, ”he said.

Regarding his religious affiliation, he acknowledges that “I had a lot of criticism until I understood that the church had all the problems of humanity because it was man -made, and we were not perfect. At that time, there was I have a huge list of blame., but I opened myself to the grace of healing that was only from above“.

“Over time I was attracted to music in the prayer group. Music has always been in my life. Now I am interested in music related to devotionals. I don’t want to sing something else that isn’t for God. It’s something that comes from my heart. I’m also not a fan, I listen to other music, but when I sing something for God, it takes me to heaven, and I’m happy and full, ”Ballesteros said.

Your desire to adopt a child

Another point that marks new things in her life is that Sandra says she’s not in a relationship, but she clarified that “Not just for today (laughs). I live with two beautiful dogs and I’m waiting something I’ve wanted for a long time to happen. ” weather. I am in the process of adopting a boy or girl between 10 and 15 years old“.

Sandra Ballesteros is doing the paperwork for adopting a child.  Instagram

Sandra Ballesteros is doing the paperwork for adopting a child. Instagram

I always wanted to be a mother, but I couldn’t because my spiritual and emotional state were incompatible. I think, somehow, the conditions were not met with godfather. Today I am doing training workshops provided by the Single Registry of Guardianship applicants for Adoption purposes, which I signed up two years ago as a single parent applicant family. It’s a very good project, ”he said.


Source: Clarin


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