It’s been two decades now. Time is a tyrant on television. Twenty years ago, Call TV programs became fashionable. It took us a while to realize this actually They were a marketing strategy to start a career and who we had the immense pleasure of meeting Carla Conte.
Night program and slightly ambiguous habits and customs. There were those who naively believed that it was a race without cheating and who we saw Call the TV without ever understanding the rules and only because there was this brunette who, at first glance, could be some kind of Pampita in the Guillote series codex.
Twenty years ago, these segments where people participated in interactive games via mobile phones were very fashionable. That of Carla Conte and her sidecar Emiliano Rella was a complete success, silver up for grabs aside.
The trick was to let you wait while you paid for the most expensive phone minute in the world. She, in those days of grace, whispered it in our ears. “I can’t tell you what the trick is.” No more questions.
Telephone televisions were reproduced with an aesthetic that made them impossible to recognize. The only seal of distinction was Carla Conte. It was television that still aroused interest. Streaming didn’t even exist in a hallucination, there were cable magazines, you watched I.Sat’s soft porn, you knew the programming of the Space channel.
It was normal to fall like a meteorite to do fitness with the remote control. In those routines we stroked the rough while watching Call TV. The daily expedition went into the bowels of the Count. And of the night.
With today’s eyes
Looking at it with fresh eyes, the program had a fundamental aesthetic worthy of broadcast television. streaming with cheap and psychedelic effects like Olga or Jelly. Now you see some videos on YouTube and it seems like everything has already been invented.
It keeps happening. At some point in the day, the air channels seem to release their programming and leave things to their own devices. And so the shepherds, and now the jewelers and years ago, and for a period as brief as it was emphatic, the Call the TV.
The spectrum of entertainment, María Becerra, was much more limited then. The Internet has not invaded everyday life. Wifi could have been a Disney character and Facebook was a gibberish word. In other words, we have had time to defend tooth and nail an issue called Carla Conte.
She came out of a fringe TV quiz show. It’s as if now everyone is talking about Claudia, the sneaky admirer. Your sister’s jewelone of the expeditions that flood the midnights with their intriguing metal content.
The mainstream media have taken notice of Carla Conte. Also rubber posters. In his usual dance competition, Marcelo Tinelli was unable to contain himself and committed a memorable objectification with Carla Conte’s body. Exuberance opened more than the doors of perception.
Time passed and he never forgot Carla. Little by little, in front of everyone and with the same means as always, the (intact) container filled with contents. Once upon a time, long before the feminist fervor, the woman told us in confidence: “Enough”, “enough”, “I’m tired”. It was a dialogue between two people who knew each other for strictly professional reasons.
We started seeing her in driving-related areas where she was even allowed to appear in a t-shirt and grow gray hair. Her white hair has made headlines on entertainment portals. Time passes and we become eternal.
Source: Clarin