Little was known about his life Rodrigo Díaz, last partner of Ricardo Fort (1968-2013), after the death of the media entrepreneur. Now it was known that the young man from Córdoba settled in Bolivia with his girlfriend.
There Rodrigo reached the success with his musical group.
Through a cell phone, Rodrigo spoke with Show partners (El Trece), and told what happened to his life after Fort’s death.
“After Ricardo’s death I formed a group of eight musicians with a representative from Argentina and with whom I have toured Argentina more than three times playing live. I’ve never had a song that was very popular but I’ve always been connected to music. And then I went to Mexico. I recently received this proposal from Bolivia and came here,” Díaz explained.
And he added: “I lived in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. I got into a reality show, X Factor, which was also about music. He fell due to the pandemic and I returned to Argentina. Since I couldn’t do anything artistic, I started studying nutrition at the Catholic University of La Plata, where I went for three years. I need one and a half to receive me”.
Finally he received the proposal he was waiting for and was able to dedicate himself completely to music, something that Ricardo himself had promoted for Rodrigo’s career. The young man is part of the band Panoramaan 18-member musical group that composes roofing of classic songs, but a cumbia version.

“I decided to come here because it was a fairly well-known town. The company trusted me and I belong to a spectacular group of a very different genre. It’s a cumbia with flavor, very typical of the 90s in Argentina, danced and sung at the same time, with choreography. And with themes of memory, adapted to cumbia from here,” added the singer.
Regarding the agreement with the production company, Rodrigo said he has “a three-year employment contract, where I have my apartment paid for by the companyfood paid for by the company e an excellent monthly salary.”
Furthermore, he revealed that the company also covers the expenses of his partner, with whom he moved to Bolivia: “I have been dating a girl from Tandil for two and a half years., who is five years younger than me and is an elementary school teacher. A month ago we came to La Paz.”
As for his routine, the artist said what it’s based on “rehearsing, recording and playing on weekends.”

Rodrigo Díaz spoke about his conflicts with the Fort family
In another part of the interview, Rodrigo Lussich and Adrián Pallares asked him how the Bolivian public views his relationship with Fort. “Ricardo was a character here, there are many fans. There is a love for him that they express to me because they never had the opportunity to have him close,” Díaz responded.

It was then that he attacked the Fort family, who he accused of being the cause of his musical career not taking off: “At the time, many doors in the music field were closed to me, I had legal problems because I had Ricardo’s family against me”.
And he continues: “They called me up for Ballando 2014, I was about to sign the contract, and two weeks later they dropped me. I have received threats, very bad and very difficult things for a 21 year old boy. Until I decided to go to Mexico and spent two years studying acting there.”

Rodrigo opened up by talking about his relationship with the chocolatier. “Ricardo suffered a lot, none of the boys who had been Ricardo’s companions wanted to be seen. And then I said ‘why not?’ and I tried. “I was the first male couple to publicly introduce.”
Regarding his relationship with Felipe and Martita, Fort’s children, he also said: “I had an excellent relationship with his children and also with Gustavo, who then broke up. They told Gustavo not to worry about me anymore. and that I would never set foot in the apartment where I lived with them for two years again. We started a family and this hurt me a lot.”
Rodrigo Lussich reminded him that Fort’s family’s accusation was because Díaz would use his cards after his death. “I used the cards to feed myself for those three days. I was traveling and couldn’t change the ticket. I returned three days after he died. I didn’t spend anything excessively or keep anything. The family only let me bring three suitcases of clothes and I went to live in a hotel. Leonardo Fariña gave me a hand to pay it until I started working.

To close he talked about the most difficult moment he experienced with Ricardo, when he had peritonitis. “I slept in an armchair for 15 days. Gustavo and I were the only two who took care of him. I always accompanied him until the end. I was the couple“He added.
Source: Clarin