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Renaud is celebrating his 70th birthday with a new album

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As he turns 70 on May 11, Renaud is releasing an album of covers from artists the French singer appreciates this Friday. Sa metiche notably covers songs by Georges Brassens, Georges Moustaki, Jean Ferrat, Charles Trenet, Serge Reggiani and Hugues Aufray.

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Renaud, in his single voice lost over the years, also covers a French classic,The cherry season. The 13-song album ends with I died who, who said betterby Jacques Higelin.

In an interview with France info, Renaud explained that he wanted to pay tribute to the singers he considered his bosses. Those who sang to me. And in the songs that thrilled my childhood, my adolescence and a little more. To be a transmitter who transmits emotion coming from others to the greatest number, by carrying a small part of the self, without betraying.he pointed out.

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Recently, a book using different characters from Renaud’s famous songs was released with his endorsement. Cartoonist Marc Large and director Johanna Turpeau will make a film, which became a book because of the pandemic: The return of the sequel.

We saw Germaine there (Germaine), Gerard Lambert (The Adventure of Gerard Lambert), Pepette (The return of the baby) and Manu (Manu).

With information from News in France

Source: Radio-Canada

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