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After criticizing Luciano Castro, Floppy Tesouro has now published a controversial video on the car with his daughter

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After criticizing Luciano Castro, Floppy Tesouro has now published a controversial video on the car with his daughter

So far, Tesouro has not been released after the criticism he received for his attitude. TV Capture

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Like Luciano Castro, who a few days ago shared a video of his daughter on his social networks as he traveled in his truck without a seat belt, Floppy Treasure He shared in recent hours a story of his girl dancing in her moving car without proper protection being put in place.

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The differences between one case and another are striking, but similarly flawed. That is, while in the case of the actor, hope He stood in the middle of the car seats as his head and half of his body were exposed through a crevice in the roof; a Mooreathe son of Tesouro and the merchant Rodrigo Fernandez Prietohe is seen traveling in the passenger seat.

However, unlike seen in the video shared by Castro, captured by Flor Vigna, in Floppy’s case he was the one who recorded his daughter singing over his car while driving full speed in a line in circulation, to top it off, another vehicle.

Floppy Tesouro with his daughter Moorea.  Photo: Instagram

Floppy Tesouro with his daughter Moorea. Photo: Instagram

That seems to be missing, in the reflection of the sunglasses worn by the girl, it is obvious that the former participant of Dancing for a Dream (ShowMatch), unlike his daughter, was wearing a seat belt. Meaning: he is protected in case of an accident, but the minor is not.

Planazo: from school singing at the same time, always canchera“written by a former participant of Kuya about her son’s video that has been shared by numerous accounts of entertainment journalists who closely monitor the lives of celebrities on social networks.

In the reflection of Moorea's mirror, Floppy Tesouro can be seen wearing a seat belt.  video capture

In the reflection of Moorea’s mirror, Floppy Tesouro can be seen wearing a seat belt. video capture

It is only fitting to clarify that the case of Castro and Esperanza, the result of their relationship with Sabrina Rojas, not only had an impact on Instagram, where she was showered with criticism for allowing her son to travel this way. That’s right, attentive to the news, the executive director of National Road Safety Agency, Paul Martinez Carignanshared the video of the actor and was very critical of his actions.

“With this video, Luciano Castro wanted to share a moment of happiness with the family. But without intention to, he gave us the opportunity to point out all wrong in terms of road safety. Perhaps it could serve Luciano and his followers to think twice next time, ”Carignano began in a publication he made on his networks and also shared with the Road Safety Agency.

The Traffic Law requires that minors go in the back seat, with a child restraint device or with a seat belt according to their age and size.. Here, the man is relaxed (because of Fausto, the actor’s son) and the woman is standing behind the front seats. A crash or sudden braking can have generated a tragedy“, he highlighted.

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Source: Clarin

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