Romance Christian sancho And Celeste Muriega is getting stronger and stronger. However, a former partner of the actor appeared and was surprised at the serious accusation against the actor. Vanessa Shual He was convinced he wanted to get rid of her now FrogThe boys they have in common from the house they shared when they were still married.
Sancho and Muriega met during the lead sex, Jose Maria Muscari’s show. The crash happened quickly and I became more passionate as I shared the time with the performance. Four months after their sentimental relationship began, the couple assured them that they would go for everything and that they were planning to get married in 2023.
But, as revealed, not everything has been rosy in this story since then. Paul Reilles Today, on Thursday’s Intruder (América TV, Monday to Friday 1:30 pm), the actor’s ex-wife and son couldn’t have a good time.

Celeste Muriega and Christian Sancho explained the details of the proposal. Capture tv
“Former Banesa of Christian Sancho wrote to me and was indignant.”Started by talking to the panelists of a program hosted by Florencia V. Then he read the woman’s message. “She left the house we lived in until February. Taken all the family savings and made us financially bankrupt“.
It should be noted that Vanesa Schual and Christian Sancho have been together for 11 years and whitened the isolation in 2020 with a complete quarantine of the coronavirus. As a result of that relationship, a 12-year-old frog was born. Nevertheless, Schual revealed to Layus that they lived under the same roof only a few months ago.When the relationship with Muriega is painted white.
“He meets his boy every 12 hours, but he doesn’t even know he has a girlfriend. He wants to take us out of the house where we live.I’m outraged and talking to a lawyer at the moment‘” The journalist continued.

Celeste Muriega and Christian Sancho. Instagram.
Sancho’s proposal to Muriega
The controversial message received by Pablo Layus arrived just days after Celeste Muriega and Christian Sancho became known. They are engaged.
It was the dancers who broke the news Grasp Catalina (La Once Diez) And said the suggestion is in the middle of a feature: “He told me, would you marry me? Obviously, without hesitation, I said so.”Celeste said in a dialogue with Catherine Dugi..
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Source: Clarin