Home Entertainment The public will return to theaters in 2021, for the benefit of Quebec films

The public will return to theaters in 2021, for the benefit of Quebec films

The public will return to theaters in 2021, for the benefit of Quebec films

Cinemas in Quebec have revived in 2021, although attendance has far returned to pre-pandemic levels. The share of Quebec films on screen also reached the highest not seen since 2005.

According to data from the Culture and Communications Observatory of the Institut de la statistique du Québec released on Thursday, cinemas in Quebec will accommodate 7 million people in 2021. A figure that rose from 4.3 million in 2020, but still far from 18.7 million in 2019, before the pandemic.

On average, theaters recorded 35 weeks of activity in 2021. In addition, the number of active screens in theaters dropped from 731 in 2019 to 680 in 2021, a decrease of 7% over two years.

A favorable year for Quebec cinema

The selection of films from La Belle Province was there last year, with 15% of the 595 films released in theaters coming from Quebec.

A man and woman wearing surgical masks are sitting in red chairs in a movie theater, staring at their smart phones.

The public has also shown its interest in local cinema. Quebec films represented 13.5% of ticket sales, up 13.1% compared to 2020 and 7.9% compared to 2019 (7.9%).

A total of 358 new releases were screened in 2021, a 56% jump from 2020. posters, remain important.

Dunes at height

The most -watched movie in theaters in Quebec in 2021 is Dunes, by Quebec director Denis Villeneuve. The film is ranked 12th overall in the Canadian and US markets.

Two people holding hands.

The comedy The perfect family guide topped the list of admissions for Quebec films, topping drama Maria Chapdelaine and the story The snatch of time.

These three films garnered 43% of admissions for Quebec films in 2021, according to figures from the Institut de la statistique du Québec.

3D on the descent

Another element that emerged from the survey was the low interest of the Quebec population for movies shown in 3D.

The document points out that despite the return to theaters of successful films and having seven films offered in 3D in the ten most -watched films in 2021, 3D screening attracted 4% of viewers last year, a percentage more lower than in 2019 (13 %).

Note that movies shot in 3D can be projected in 2D or 3D.

Faced with the choice between these two formats, a growing proportion of the public is choosing the 2D format, especially for animated films, where children are the target audience.will we read in the press release of the Institut de la statistic du Québec.

Source: Radio-Canada


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