Home Entertainment Flavio Mendoza’s audios went viral amid controversial complaints by his dancers

Flavio Mendoza’s audios went viral amid controversial complaints by his dancers

Flavio Mendoza’s audios went viral amid controversial complaints by his dancers

Flavio Mendoza and several artists who participated two years ago in forbiddenone of his shows, denounced in recent times through social networks that the producers of said show have not yet paid their salaries.

But the scandal doesn’t end there. It is that, in the midst of such controversy, the series of audios of the well-known choreographer went viral asking those dancers to “please” not bother him with their claims about it because he no longer has time and “collapsed”.

Then some actors announced the fraud the question, the creator of Stravaganza, mahatmaat The Circus of the Soulamong other acts, broke the silence in his networks and indicated that he was still one of the victims.

“That’s true I liked to do forbiddenit’s a great challenge where you look at I’m very sorry it all ended badly. I turned down other jobs to do during the summer but well … they still owe me so if they see the producers, remind them, “the dancer said in the last few hours. Nacho Gonatta in their Instagram stories.

That message was shared by Twitter account SILA (America, Monday through Friday at 8:00 pm) seeking explanation from the former jury of dancing to sleepwho, far from pretending not to be understood, replied: “I also say the same: producers pay us“However, his words did not help to clarify the controversy.

Flavio Mendoza's response amid the scandal.

Flavio Mendoza’s response amid the scandal.

It so happens that, in what happened this Tuesday night, Flavio had a remarkable position around it rivalry which came in the cycle led by Ángel de Brito, where they played the audio of the artist who separated himself from the scandal on the air.

“Hello, guys, even if they send me some audio, I answer that to everyone I am aware of everything and the truth is I am very sorry for everything that is happening. Hopefully well and if it can’t be solved for something will be. I gave this show the best and it makes me very sad because they are incredible artists. This is fixed by Maxi (his partner) to the producers of that show John and Damian. Unfortunately, I am Today I can’t care, I’m overwhelmed with so many things“is the first voice recording to be leaked to the media.

“Excuse me but Do not send me any complaints related to forbidden. Talk about it with Maxi and if you need to initiate legal action, initiate them but please do not call me anymore because I collapsed in my life now to receive messages. I will send you a hug. I’ve done the impossible to make that show work, ”Flavio told an artist who worked on his work on another audio.

Meanwhile, in a third, he was heard saying: “Oh guys, this disrespectful thing and this and that is so rotten to me. Send someone a document letter, stop touring“.

Flavio Mendoza in one of the posters of "Taboo", the act of discord.

Flavio Mendoza in one of the posters of “Taboo”, the act of discord.

According to the panelist SILA Stephanie Berardi some of the dancers blame Mendoza, who is also him I was an employee of that workfor lack of payments, while the contract signed by the artists includes a production company whose name is “Dinamo Group SRL”.

“Flavio is not the director, he is artistic producer. I think the producer is the owner of the theater (Piazzolla Tango). I know they owe him and other people, “he explained. Paul Tomaselli, Artist Press Officer, in dialogue with TN Show.

“He also wants to resolve it but does not provide the names of those behind Dinamo Group SRL And the dancers said he called them to work at the Astor Piazzolla Theater, “said Berardi, who also said that each dancer receives 3,000 pesos for each performance.


Source: Clarin


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