Home Entertainment Amalia Granata underwent a simple operation, but the doctors’ work in the operating room was complicated

Amalia Granata underwent a simple operation, but the doctors’ work in the operating room was complicated

Amalia Granata underwent a simple operation, but the doctors’ work in the operating room was complicated
Amalia Granata underwent a simple operation, but the doctors' work in the operating room was complicated

Granata recounted the moment in which he lived in Marcelo Polino’s program on Radio Miter.

Amalia Granata He went through a complex moment a week ago when he was operated on. The provincial deputy had to remove a granuloma e He had complications with the anesthesia, to the point where he felt like he was dying.

“I told the doctor my left lip was swollen and he told me it was a granuloma that could be removed in 10 minutes under local anesthesia”, Began to tell Grenade in authentic polino (Radio Miter), where he works as a columnist.

“There I told him that last year I had a tooth pulled and when the dentist gave me local anesthesia I had tachycardia. I collapsed and we had to open the window, “she continued.

Amalia Granata said she couldn't wake up from the anesthesia.

Amalia Granata said she couldn’t wake up from the anesthesia.

Based on his history, the doctor told him to undergo pre-surgical studies and that the surgery be done in the sanatorium. “I was on duty Monday at 10 am, they gave me a mini sedation, they removed the granuloma and I went home. it was ten minutes“said the first Big Brother.

But in addition to taking all preventive measures, anesthesia caused complications. “They did an electro and a blood test, everything was perfect. I go to the operating room and when they have finished removing the granuloma, they couldn’t wake me up”, He expressed.

His body was completely dead and I was conscious. I felt the desperation of the doctors who were trying to revive me. At one point I began to sweat cold. Such was the despair I felt I was dying. I didn’t see any white light, but I couldn’t breathe and my body didn’t react. So I said to God ‘take me or save me’.Amalia confessed.

A few minutes later, the speaker said she was able to stammer and open her eyes: “The doctors sit me down, shake my hand and I started crying. They asked me if I was very stressed and I said yes“.

Amalia and Marcelo Polino, partner of the program.

Amalia and Marcelo Polino, partner of the program.

After what happened, the anesthetist explained it his blood pressure had dropped sharply and he began to have tachycardia and that this is related to the fact that he is experiencing a stressful situation.

“I just finished six subjects, I’m constantly traveling down the road, something that makes me very nervous, I have boys. I’m overwhelmed and the anesthetist explained to me that the anesthesia relaxed me so much that this happened to me “, said Granata, saddened by the situation, talking with Radiopoles (Radio 2 of the Rosary).

After the surgery and once stabilized, Amalia went to Rosario to attend business meetings, but when night came she lost her balance again. “I had tachycardia again and the emergency room doctor told me that the palpitations were due to the fear that was left in me ”, he pointed out.

“The cardiologist told me it was stress and that I had to downshift. I am very active, I start studying, the legislator, the radio, the kids, sometimes I have an overload of things and obviously the body makes me pay “, concluded the deputy who also made all the checks to exclude that he is of a bigger problem, but the results gave him good.

“What happens is that I didn’t want to tell it before, but in the summer I had already come a week before the holidays because one day I felt that I couldn’t breathe, I thought I had the covid and instead no, They gave me an anxiolytic, so it’s stress “He explained.

“So I apologize why I know I have a commitment to people, but I will take four days off for a health problem “, he concluded.


Source: Clarin


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