Leo García will leave Argentina and whitens the reasons: “I’m leaving forever”

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Leo García will leave Argentina and whiten the reasons:

García spoke in the “Miter Live” series of interviews.

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After his short and controversial stint in The famous hotel (El Trece, at 10:45 pm), Leone Garcia has resumed his musical career, and in the last few hours he has made a drastic decision: he will leave Argentina and will try his luck abroad.

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The musician spoke to the cycle of interviews Live submachine gun and told his reasons for emigrating from the country.

“I made a punk rock album split by three and soon there will be an LGBT single called Movement and all this I thought after the beating I suffered. It was traumatic to be beaten for homosexuality. Then I will leave the country “.told the artist as a scoop.

When asked about the destination he has chosen to continue his career, Leo warned: “I’m leaving forever and I can leave next week, I want to do some shows first, but I will stay in Mexico with a manufacturer. I go with the guitar alone, to start a career there. Then I will go to Colombia and then to France “.

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“I don’t feel resentment or envy, but I need to keep dreaming,” Garcia said.

And he motivated: “Time to go because I have a lot of fame and I lack the money. Things are difficult in Argentina, I don’t feel resentment or envy but I need to keep dreaming, I’m bored here ”.

“I will play in small bars, I like to take advantage of these opportunities because you have to live. The artist’s life is very much enclosed in success, you feel like a failure. We will meet a new audience and I feel motivated, we are in a messed up moment in the country, “he continued, motivated by this new journey in his life.

Speaking of the difficult socio-economic moment that the country is facing, he stressed that he did not believe in politicians and this is one more reason to emigrate: “I’m less patriotic, well, I don’t think a president can change our lives. We have to find the solutions for ourselves. I don’t think anyone from the outside will help us, I don’t believe in politicians and I’m apolitical “.


This year, Leo was one of the main eliminated from “The Famous Hotel”. Capture TV

“I live for the day and I need to mobilize, I don’t know if that’s what worries me the most about Argentina, nobody is on the board. Less after what we went through with the pandemic, “Garcia added.

Disappointed by reality and how difficult everyday life in Argentina is, he concluded: “The truth is that before this country improves its economy and culture, it is I who must make the decision to leave to solve this problem. . My batteries ran out in Argentina, I have to look for new experiences“.

Leo García attacked Chanchi Estévez and Martín Salwe

Despite his participation in The famous hotel (El Trece) was short, Leone Garcia He experienced several intense moments during his time in the reality show.

A few weeks before the end of the program, the singer was consulted very morning (Ciudad Magazine, aged 10) for those he thought would be the finalists and chose his favorite to win the contest: “Let’s hope Alex Caniggia wins. He’s putting together enough to win.”

The interpreter of the island of the sun He also fired heavy bullets against Maximiliano “Chanchi” Estévez, one of the most controversial characters in reality: “Well, this poor footballer, who is the most ‘loser’ (loser) that a poor footballer can have, has done gestures and things that I they brought a retro thing, homosexual gestures. Did you see how when you go to school and they do these things to you? Bullying! “.

Leo was also very critical of Martin Salwe: “It was bad bullying and I think such a person should never be social media. They should erase it from anything because like I said you have to have a conscience before you say anything, and if a guy has a microphone to talk to, he doesn’t have to have that kind of thinking. “


Source: Clarin

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