Home Entertainment Dani La Chepi must be operated on urgently: “My life is always a matter of nerves until the end”

Dani La Chepi must be operated on urgently: “My life is always a matter of nerves until the end”

Dani La Chepi must be operated on urgently: “My life is always a matter of nerves until the end”
Dani La Chepi must be operated on urgently:

Next Tuesday Dani La Chepi will have to be operated on urgently.

not a good year for Dani La Chepi. At least as far as his health is concerned, since he has just had several problems with it, and next Tuesday will have to undergo a new operation, this time urgentsince the results of some studies done a few days ago did not go well.

As she revealed herself, The surgery will be in one of her breasts. They will have to take a sample and analyze it, to know if they need to perform a new, more important operation, or start a different treatment, depending on the results.

They found me some microcalcifications during the follow-up mammogram. Then my gynecologist sent me for an enlarged mammogram, the anomaly she considers suspicious came out, and she sent me to have a puncture, ”the influencer said.

Dani shared a picture of her father before undergoing surgery in March.

Dani shared a picture of her father before undergoing surgery in March.

“But they couldn’t pierce me because my lola is very small and because these microcalcifications are very close to the nipple. Y if the needle goes in to take the sample, they could ruin me. They sent me to a mastologist and this specialist sends me straight to the operating room, “she said.

And then he expanded: “On Tuesday they will open my nipple, take a sample, not because it leaves me without lola, and send it to be analyzed. Then, afterwards, to wait … And this only happens in the last weeks of rehearsals because I start out. with Only you, July 8. Like this everything will be nervous until the end of my life. As usual“, he complained.

My life is a Netflix series … But hey, what costs more is worth double. With everything that has happened to me this year, including the death of my father, I have realized that there is no more time to put things off. The operation will be at the Olivos Clinic, “he explained.

And I conclude: “I will have to wait almost a month to wait for the results of the disease. When we get it, the doctor will tell me what to do. For now, I just have to wait. “

Two operations almost in a row

In mid-March, the humorist was also rushed to hospital Olivo Clinic, where he underwent surgery for kidney stones. “Here we are, with Mom, who went out for a walk. Today the plan was to go out for a walk and well, we went out, or not? We would have preferred a shopping mall, I know, but this clinic is like a shopping mall. I love the Olivos Clinic, I love and love to come here for a walk “, he humorously posted on Instagram.

In March, the influencer underwent two operations almost in a row.

In March, the influencer underwent two operations almost in a row.

I was operated on yesterday. They removed a piece of Caminito more or less from my kidney. I’m waiting for the doctor to arrive. I already had kidney problems, but this happened quickly and all together, “he added show partner (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 11am), where she provided the details of the surgery she underwent.

Two weeks later, La Chepi returned to the operating room. “I’m afraid, I’m not going to caress him”, announced through a video to its nearly 4 million followers. “Always when they put you to sleep, even if it’s a few minutes, it scares me and I start: ‘what if I don’t wake up? .

Hours later, after showing up to do a vigorous cleaning of the house, she was very excited: “I told them that I would go through many states. I was just talking to my brothers and they said to me: “Who tells you that in those three minutes you sleep, don’t cross paths with dad and have a wine with him and Charles? “, he has declared.


Source: Clarin


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