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Viviana Saccone exploded and ran into the chef who scolded her for asking for a change in her restaurant

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Viviana Saccone exploded and ran into the chef who scolded her for asking for a change in her restaurant

Saccone returned fire from her Twitter account, the same network through which she was accused.

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Viviana Saccone was involved in an alleged scandal ransom request to chef Dante Liporace go and eat at his Molusca restaurant.

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It was the same cook who escrachó to the actress in social networks by posting the screenshot of the message that an intermediary sent her proposing to go eat in exchange for posts mentioning the place.

“I tell you, Some time ago Viviana Saccone, actress, wrote to me if I can get him to go to Mollusca tomorrow at noon, there are four people. For exchange. In return, Viviana uploads stories to her Instagram that show the place, the food and captivate them, “says the message Liporace received from a recipient from whom she hid her identity.

The tweet of chef Dante Liporace escrachando Viviana Saccone.

The tweet of chef Dante Liporace escrachando Viviana Saccone.

“No thanks, we don’t care” He replies, making it clear that he does not want to accept the proposal.

Outraged by the public escrache, Viviana made a strong statement on her Twitter account, capturing the chef. “A man I don’t know is saying that I asked him to go eat in his restaurant. I’m going to find out who he is and where he cooks, because the energy transfers to everything that is done and I try not to eat junk food“He started by saying no filter.

Viviana Saccone's first message.

Viviana Saccone’s first message.

“I propose @ dlipo77, if you want, to give me the name of the place where you work and I will promote it to you without any problem on my networks. They always offer me all kinds of exchangesand since I believe in karma and back and forth, I like to do pure promotion, “he continued.

And he fired: “Hi @ dlipo77, who I didn’t know until today. I understand that talking to me, instead of talking to the person who communicated with you allegedly on my behalf, is because It is more profitable for you at the printing level. In short, everyone gets away with the weapons they have “.

“Besides the fact that not to commit a crime (in case I did), is that his action makes me attack a lot of violent misplaced for free on the networks. I didn’t do anything to that man. I swear I don’t understand people who like to hurt another“, concluded the actress.

Saccone's messages to Dante Liporace.

Saccone’s messages to Dante Liporace.

What Virginia Gallardo, another of the escrachada, said

In addition to Saccone, another of those that were unmasked by the chef was Virginia Gallardo. As in the case of the actress, Dante Liporace showed a message from an intermediary asking for an exchange for her and her refusal. Consequently, the rapporteur of intruders (America, at 1:30 pm) blocked it. And posted the screenshot on Twitter. “Manguean and angry,” she said she.

In dialogue with ClarioneGallardo showed his anger at the situation. “I don’t know who that man is or where you work. I say this with respect”held.

Virginia Gallardo said she doesn't know who the chef is who tweeted her.

Virginia Gallardo said she doesn’t know who the chef is who tweeted her.

At the same time, Ricardo Fort’s ex explained why he blocked the chef: “Yesterday they started posting things to me on Twitter and I didn’t understand a thing. I thought they were groups of haters and those things. And I don’t waste much time with assaults and block directly. Looks like she hooked it. ”

“I don’t want to ignore it, but no one wrote to me to offer me that trade. We have thousands of rest offers always for us to go and I am happy and grateful that this happens. Even if I go out very little, “added Virginia.


Source: Clarin

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