Home Entertainment Valeria Mazza intervened after the sentence received by her son’s attackers was made known

Valeria Mazza intervened after the sentence received by her son’s attackers was made known

Valeria Mazza intervened after the sentence received by her son’s attackers was made known
Valeria Mazza intervened after the sentence received by her son's attackers was made known

Valeria Mazza expressed herself on Instagram after the conviction of the attackers of her son Tiziano, Capture TV / File.

Finally, the sentence received by the attackers of Tiziano Gravierthe son of valeria mazza Y Alessandro Gravier who in early June was brutally beaten on the street while in Rosario. Now, the model has released a statement on her social network about her, she has clarified her position and made a request to the community.

It is worth mentioning that the fashion entrepreneur’s son was in the city of Santa Fe where she had gone to spend the weekend with her family to celebrate her grandmother’s birthday.

While he was waiting for two friends at the door of a well-known nightclub, two young men beat him and broke his jaw. As a result of that attack, Tiziano Gravier had to undergo surgery and is still in the healing phase.

Valeria Mazza posted a photo of Tiziano Gravier after undergoing surgery.  Instagram.

Valeria Mazza posted a photo of Tiziano Gravier after undergoing surgery. Instagram.

At this time it was learned that the attackers of the son of Valeria Mazza and Alejandro Gravier, two young men aged 26 and 27 respectively, were released after spending almost a month in pre-trial detention.

In addition, justice has imposed a suspended sentence of three years of imprisonment and a symbolic fine of 200,000 pesos: each will have to pay it in monthly installments of 10,000 pesos.

Yesterday, Thursday, Tiziano’s mother used the networks to talk about the case. On her Instagram, where she has more than 500 thousand followers, the model shared a series of stories and explained how she is living this moment. “Case closed. Acceptance of the fact and respect for the consequences imposed by the judge”Valeria began to write.

And he detailed how his son is at this moment: “Tiziano continues to recover better, returning to training and studying. Justice today and always”. Then Alejandro Gravier’s wife made a very special request: “Justice for Fernando, justice for Martín, justice for Agostina. justice because we must not naturalize what is not right, what is outside the law“.

Valeria Mazza's message.  Instagram.

Valeria Mazza’s message. Instagram.

And he continued: “Educating so that our young people have the opportunity to work and that going out and stealing is not a way of life. Education in values, respect, solidarity, equal opportunities and rights”.

“We Argentines want to live in peace”

“Because we Argentines want to live in Argentina. Because we Argentines want to live in peace,” he said. He added: “Use power to ensure everyone’s safety. What can we do as citizens? Ask, denounce, educate the new generations, vote“.

Valeria Mazza spoke out after the condemnation of her son's attackers.  Instagram.

Valeria Mazza spoke out after the condemnation of her son’s attackers. Instagram.

Vote who seriously guarantees us a democratic government. With the three powers, Legislative, Executive and Judicial, independent and which guarantee us health, education and safety. Without wasting time. Let’s get to work for the reconstruction of our beloved country ”, concluded Valeria Mazza.


Source: Clarin


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