Home Entertainment “La vis comica” returns to the scene, the multi-award winning work of the last ACE awards

“La vis comica” returns to the scene, the multi-award winning work of the last ACE awards

“La vis comica” returns to the scene, the multi-award winning work of the last ACE awards

“La vis comica” returns to the scene, the multi-award winning work of the last ACE awards

“La vis comica”, a re -release of Mauricio Kartun’s work with cast changes, is now in the room of Caras y Caretas 2037. Photo: Press.

The false adventures of a theater company that descended on the Río de La Plata during the Viceroyalty, and triggered a series of disputes and short circuits between itinerant artists and local residents. That is the axis of the comics viewof the director and playwright Mauricio Kartun, who back to the Buenos Aires billboard.

The play is Kartun’s new production after the successful Worldly, little anarchic mysterywhich is still on the bill, which is in its ninth season. the comics viewmeanwhile, was established as one of the major winners in the latest round of the ACE Awards, which draws five statuettes.

"La vis comica", the work of Mauricio Kartun was returned to the billboards of Buenos Aires.  With Horacio Roca, Luis Campos, Stella Galazzi and Cutuli.  Photo.  Press.

“La vis comica”, the work of Mauricio Kartun was returned to the billboards of Buenos Aires. With Horacio Roca, Luis Campos, Stella Galazzi and Cutuli. Photo. Press.

After its premiere in 2019 in the Cunill Cabanellas room of the San Martín Theater, in co-production with the CTBA, the comics view continued another season in the same room, and now re -released in Faces and Masks 2037.

A change in cast

With this return to the billboard, I saw…came on stage with a change in its cast. To Luis Campos, Cutuli, and Stella Galazzi who were already there in the beginning, Horacio Roca joined them in the role previously played by Mario Alarcón (with other previous promises).

“Incorporating Roca has revitalized. It’s healthy to always challenge the tedious change or return to something a bit more creative, forcing it into new forms that put you in the mood; so we took advantage of the event and entered in a new setting ”, says Kartun.

The plot

Sa I saw him… the inexplicable and decadent theatrical company of Angulo el malo descended on colonial Buenos Aires looking for new places for its repertoire. But there is no comedy corral in the city, the plaza is not public and another cast of impromptu improvised monopoly is Cabildo’s tolerance.

The plot connects these scenes from the point of view of a dog playwright, something Kartun took from Cervantes ’ideal comedies, while the fun qualities of the company and its director, Angulo , is a kind of homage to Don Quixote, where the threads between art and power.

“We’re happy with the result”

According to Kartun, in this return, “We delved into that joke about the theater that the piece raises, and we let the talented presence of Horacio play in new proposals. We are happy with the result, the performances of Galazzi, Campos and Cutuli grew even more with that injection. We were working like on a new project and it left us with the precious (and anxious) sensation of a new premiere “.

For her part, Roca, who added to the project, said: “Cartoon contacted me in December after the pandemic stopped and I know how fascinated I was with the show in 2019, and especially that character. I don’t need to think about it much, or even reread the work. I accepted right away “

However, the big challenge is definitely to put himself in the shoes of a character who came with the imprint of another actor, who is also multi-awarded. “I really admired Mario’s trick so it was a challenge. The bar set was so high. Another enticing factor for me was the cast: companions I love and admire.”

"La vis comedia", with the former cast.  Now Horacio Roca holds the role played by Mario Alarcón.  Photo: press.

“La vis comedia”, with the former cast. Now Horacio Roca holds the role played by Mario Alarcón. Photo: press.

More job details

Roca describes his character as Angulo the bad guy in this way: “Like all of Kartun’s work, there is a rich work in language. He is authoritarian, manipulative, vain and a liar. He was only redeemed by a liar. true love of acting… In his blind desire by lift, he ends up putting his work in the service of the worst. He’s a good character for an actor, with a destructive sense of humor. “

The play, which speaks of a somewhat drifting theater company, trying to find where to perform, somehow resonates in the present that is still plagued by pandemic and its consequences.

“Carnival was born in a community that went out to dance in the streets after an epidemic, they say. Moderate pleasure is what frees us from grief,” Kartun said. “In contemporary quotes, the return of theater has such a thing. You look on social networks, for example, and you see us all in this Corsican with a machine that seems out of proportion, but it’s nothing but the content. and release energy. “

Both the director and the cast are confident that the fun and merry proposition that this work has will attract the public more or less than before the pandemic.

“Art is still a strange dream”

“We’ve done two seasons in San Martín in a whole house and it’s all been very stimulating. Now, despite the thicker, more capitalist expectations, that’s what we’ve always had, to fill the theater, we’re putting the other illusion, the expressive., the one that drives us from within. Art, in fact, is still a strange dream, “said Kartun.

At this time, for Roca, “the scene in Buenos Aires, like all of us, is doing its best. There is still great independent production, in many cases of enormous artistic quality, but increasingly detached from commercial theater, which unfortunately and with a few exceptions, tends to enjoy comedies that are relatively casual ”.

And he added: “In this context, Kartun’s works appear to amuse and entertain a wide audience, but without resignation to imagination, danger, depth. A theater that unites the” cult “and the” popular “in a very fascinating synthesis”.

the comics view It has functions Thursday and Friday at 8:00 pm at Caras y Caretas 2037 (Sarmiento 2037). Overall admission $ 1000. Discounted: $ 500.


Source: Clarin


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